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Yeosang rubbed his face again as he finally stopped crying.

He didn't know what happened or why did he even just cry after Jongho said that, but he just broke down.

Yeosang cried for what seemed like hours, but he knew that he should just calm down.

He wiped away his tears, thinking of Wooyoung and how he missed his best friend. 

How was he doing? Was he worried or is he calm? Did they do something to him too?

Jongho isn't going to let him go, and he doesn't have a chance to escape because of all the bodyguards and people he had.

He knew he had no chances, and Yeosang really wanted to unalive himself now.

He sniffled again as he sat up, furrowing his eyebrows as he heard the knock on the door.

Yeosang really didn't know who here would even knock here since the door wasn't locked, but he anyway got up and walked over to the door. He opened the door and looked up.

Jongho was standing there, now wearing his suit and a white button up shirt instead of a pajama he had earlier, his hair long and somehow falling over his eyes.

What was he doing here?

Yeosang gulped here as he watched him, and Jongho gave him a small smile.

"Hey. I want you to come with me, I got a surprise for you." Jongho said.

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

Jongho took out his hand, smiling again and confusing Yeosang even more. What surprise?

"Come on, I promise you will like it. I'm sure you will love it, actually."

Yeosang hesitated, but he anyway took a hold of Jongho's hand and allowed him to take him somewhere. Jongho flashed him a smile before he walked.

Yeosang felt strange holding Jongho's hand, realizing how big and warm it was. Jongho opened the main door and walked outside in the beautiful garden.

He walked until he was almost standing in the middle of the path that led to the house. Yeosang never got enough of that beautiful garden.

"What are we doing?.." Yeosang mumbled as he tugged onto Jongho's arm.

Jongho smiled as he raised his hand and petted his hair, and Yeosang was too confused and taken back to move.

"Just wait. The surprise is coming in a few minutes, okay? Just be patient. I know you will love it." Jongho smiled.

Yeosang didn't realize he was still holding Jongho's hand, but he didn't want to let it go for a weird reason. It can't be bad if it's a surprise, right?

He unconsciously squeezed Jongho's palm tighter as he saw a black expensive car pulling up as the gates opened, furrowing his eyebrows as he saw the door open.

Yeosang gasped as he saw Wooyoung opening the door. With a huge smile he let go of Jongho's hand and ran forward to Wooyoung with his arms opened.

"Woo! You are here!" Yeosang almost yelled as he hugged his best friend.

It was like his mind was read. Wooyoung was here, all healthy and looking amazing but tired.

Jongho and San shared a look, smiling at each other as they admired two friends. Jongho crossed his hands as he just watched.

"Are you okay, love? Did this psycho do anything to you, Yeosang?" Wooyoung mumbled as he cupped Yeosang's cheeks.

The male almost cried. "N-No, I'm fine. I wanted to see you again so much, but I couldn't-"

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