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Jongho couldn't stop staring at the literal angel sleeping next to him.

Yeosang looked so peaceful sleeping. His eyes closed, birthmark on display, lips curled in a small pout and looking just adorable as he slept naked in under the soft covers. 

Jongho couldn't sleep anymore, instead just wasting time and staring at him while rubbing his cheek when he should be getting ready since he had a busy day.

He didn't want to leave. He didn't want to leave Yeosang alone when they spent a whole night together in such a special way, but Jongho really had some important job to do that he couldn't miss. 

Yeosang was still asleep since he was definitely exhausted, and Jongho won't wake him up. He needed rest, and Jongho really needed to get to work no matter how harsh it was on him that he had to leave Yeosang like this. 

Jongho moved the bangs out of his face lightly, smiling as Yeosang let out a small noise and Jongho leaned in and kissed his forehead. He stayed like that for a few seconds and rubbed his cheek after he moved away. 

"I love you so much, my love.." Jongho mumbled.

Yeosang let out a small whine and just kept sleeping, making Jongho giggle lightly and look all over his marked neck. He felt proud of that one. 

Jongho couldn't stop staring at him, but he really needed to go urgently.

He smiled as Yeosang kept sleeping, and Jongho finally shook his head and pushed himself to get up and tuck him in again before getting his clothes and quietly leaving the room. 

► ► ► ► ►

Wooyoung sighed as he got out of the caffe he was working part time at. 

He was exhausted with all the studying and working he was doing, and he was little to say stressed because of the landlord increasing the rent. He didn't know how was he going to pay for all of it. 

And with Choi San officially saying he is going to court him, Wooyoung was more than worried. 

He didn't need a relationship now. He was more than busy barely surviving and stressing himself because of the finals before he graduates and the fact he had no money, and San being a literal criminal was even worse. 

But San was different. He treated Wooyoung nicely, didn't get mad when Wooyoung didn't really want him over and instead just stayed like that and didn't leave him alone. Wooyoung liked that he was so persistent and that he didn't give up easily.

But was he really ready for relationship? Wooyoung wasn't sure himself. He didn't have much experience, but he wanted to see if San and him could make things work. 

Just as he pulled the hood up on his head and pushed his hands inside of the pockets, Wooyoung started walking back home. He had money to pay for his rent now after he worked 8 hour shifts for last 2 weeks, no matter how exhausting it was now. 

He just wanted to eat some cheap ramen and sleep. That's all he wanted now. Nothing else. 

Yeosang and him often talked through the phone, and he made sure to visit him soon when he finds enough time. Wooyoung loved that man to the moon and back. He would do anything for him. 

Wooyoung sighed deeply as he walked upstairs to his apartment, seeing his landlord already standing there and looking actually normal, not upset or anything.

"Mrs. Han, I got the money-"

"Wooyoung darling, it's okay." She cut him off immediately with a smile. 

Wooyoung stopped rummaging through his bag and looked at her in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows as the old woman laughed softly.

"Your rent has been payed by a very nice, handsome young man. He is around your age and said that he knows you, so we have a small talk and he payed for you, so you don't have to be worried about it for this month." She smiled

Wooyoung widened his eyes. "What?!"

He knew who this man was, and exactly why he did that. Choi San, you're dead. 

"Yeah, so that's all I came here for. I'll be taking my leave now." 

Wooyoung was more than shocked. San fucking payed for his rent and talked to his landlord. Who knows what he told her and what if she doesn't want to rent her apartment to him because of that?

He groaned in his hands as he lied on the couch in the living room, searching for his phone and immediately calling San. After a few beeps, the male finally picked up. 

"Hello there-"

"Mind telling me why did you pay my rent?" Wooyoung cut him off, not in the mood for any chit chats.

San chuckled. "Ah, so you already know. I see now."

 Wooyoung wasn't phased at all. "San, that wasn't an answer-"

"I wanted to pay for you. I felt bad seeing you work so hard and being so stressed, so I talked to the old lady and got an agreement with her. You don't have to be worried about rent or any of your expenses anymore."

Wooyoung almost bawled his eyes out at that. What kind of agreement did he even make with her?

"What? San, I'm an adult. I can take care of myself and I don't need your help. I appreciate it, but I really don't need your money."

San chuckled again, and Wooyoung's face fell at that. What was so funny?

"What's so funny?" He repeated.

San hummed. "The fact that you got so annoyed is too cute. It's adorable how you want to be tough but you know that you are overworking yourself with both university and work. I got more than enough money to spoil you, and if I say I will spoil you, it will be exactly like that."

Wooyoung was silent for a few seconds as he took his words in. He was literally becoming San's sugar baby, and he won't allow it. He won't be spoiled or something like that. 

"San, I'm not your sugar baby. I don't want to be spoiled or anything." Wooyoung rubbed his forehead. 

A small sigh was heard from the other side. Wooyoung really had no energy left for any of this.

"You know what? Just get ready in 15 minutes. I'll get you and we can go out and have a nice dinner together. I bet you're hungry now after working so long. Okay?"

Wooyoung opened his mouth. "San-"

"It's a deal then, I'll see you in 20 minutes baby." San cut the call before he could protest. 

Wooyoung groaned loudly as he threw his head back. Great, just great. 

A/N : Happy new year everyone! <3

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