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It's been a little more than a month ever since Yeosang left Jongho's mansion. 

Things have been okay, but Yeosang has been feeling numb because of everything. He tried not to think about Jongho and everything, instead focusing on himself and getting his mind off some things. 

He didn't really talk to San either. Him and Wooyoung spent a lot of time together, but Yeosang always went into his room and studied or just didn't come out until he was gone if they were at their place. 

Even if it was rare, Yeosang couldn't be near San. He reminded him of Jongho and all the times he spent there, and he really just couldn't be there. Yeosang felt awful because it wasn't San's fault, but he was just too weak. 

He really felt so numb and lost even if almost 2 months passed ever since he saw Jongho. Yeosang was worried for him too, but he needed to focus on himself too. He was way too lost in his own mind. 

Yeosang sighed as he snuggled in the blanket that he shared with Wooyoung as they laid in his room and just chatted about everything. 

Wooyoung rubbed his back slowly as they talked, almost making Yeosang fall asleep in his arms like a child.

"Are you okay with Jongho thing now?" Wooyoung mumbled as he stroked his hair. 

Yeosang didn't answer. He didn't know if he was okay or not, specially since it happened not too long ago. He sighed a bit as he took a few moments to form a sentence. 

"I don't know..I feel weird about all of it."

Wooyoung hummed as he kept him close, nuzzling his face into his hair and making Yeosang think about everything once again. 

But Wooyoung really couldn't blame him. He knew Yeosang got a little too connected to Jongho.

"I noticed you avoid San too." Wooyoung spoke again. 

Yeosang tensed. He didn't want to be seen like he was avoiding San like he had a problem with him or that he didn't like him, but instead he avoided him like a plague because San reminded him of Jongho. 

He reminded him of the time Jongho allowed Wooyoung to come over, and Yeosang really couldn't allow himself to spend any more tears when he remembered the memories of him and Jongho. 

He really couldn't. Yeosang had no energy for that. 

He sighed. "Woo-"

"It's okay. I understand that you remember Jongho when you see San, but he feels bad. You don't know how sad he is because you refuse to come out and instead just say 'hi' and leave. I know you feel so numb about everything, but it pains me too."

Yeosang gulped as he raised himself up and looked at Wooyoung, trying to find words in his throat to say what he felt. He knew Wooyoung was worried about him, but Yeosang really didn't want him or San to feel bad.

San definitely wasn't the one to be blamed even if he definitely knew something was up, but Yeosang understands he has a job he needs to keep too. Yeosang definitely couldn't blame him on that. 

"Woo, I don't want San to feel bad because I don't want to be near him. It's not his fault, but I'm glad that you understand what I'm going through. San also shouldn't feel bad when he know everything, so I can't really blame him on that."

Wooyoung suddenly furrowed his eyebrows, making Yeosang confused too. 

"You think San knows something and he refused to tell me when I asked?" Woo questioned. 

Yeosang sighed as he sat up and shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't really sure about it himself, but he definitely knew something. 

"I mean, would you tell something to someone that you know aren't supposed to? Jongho said that he couldn't explain anything now, so why would San say anything when they are working together?" 

Wooyoung just watched him as he explained that, gulping a bit as he averted his gaze. 

"Yeosang, I don't want him to lie to me. Everything was perfect until now, but it kind of does make sense when you just said it. If Jongho didn't say anything, why would San?" Wooyoung shook his head. 

Yeosang sighed. "I don't know Woo. I feel so weird by everything that happened."

Wooyoung ran his hand through his hair, biting his lower lip and not really being sure if San was or wasn't being honest. Yeosang is right when he says that San didn't say anything just like Jongho, but it was obvious something was up. 

He just hoped that they weren't in the trouble. Wooyoung worried for San more than anything, but he really wasn't sure if he was lying or not.

"Man, that's all so confusing.." Wooyoung mumbled. 

Yeosang hummed in agreement. "Don't say anything. I feel like my head is going to explode."

Wooyoung shook his head as the theory of San lying about it made even more sense. It just clicked the way it shouldn't be clicking. He felt the lump in his throat even if he wasn't sure really if he should be trusting Yeosang or San. 

He placed his hands over his face and groaned. It was all too much to take in in such a short period of time. 

"You know what?" Wooyoung asked. 

Yeosang looked up to him and hummed, waiting for him to continue talking and say what he wanted. 

"We should go out and have a couple of drinks to relax and not think about anything for now. It's been a stressful month with finals and everything, and we need a few drinks." He said. 

Yeosang took a few moments to think, pursuing his lips and then humming as he nodded his head. 

"Yeah, drinks sound good." 

Wooyoung smiled, clapping his hands and then hugging Yeosang and making him fall down on the bed.

"Ugh Woo! Get off me!" Yeosang whined. 

Wooyoung hummed as he squished their cheeks together and then nuzzling into his. He loved Yeosang a lot. 

"Come on, I'll help you make look sexy for all the guys in the club to look at you!" Wooyoung teased as he pulled him up.

Yeosang whined. "Woo!"

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