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A loud scream was heard in the basement as Jongho swung his arm back and punched the man again in his nose, now blood going everywhere. 

He was raging inside as he saw the man that was tied to the chair, now begging for forgiveness as Jongho didn't have any mercy on him. He was planning on hitting him until he dies in pain. 

Jongho took him by the hair as he cried, making him look up and smirking as he saw that he was crying and blood running through his nose and mouth. 

"Motherfucker. I asked you once, I won't be asking again." Jongho said. 

The man sobbed. "I-I don't kn-"

Jongho hit him once again, making his head turn and a groan escape his mouth. Seonghwa and Yunho giggled as they stood there and watched in amusement as their boss did that. 

"You don't know? You don't know what you were doing in my property? Who the fuck sent you?!" Jongho yelled in his face. 

The man cried, now fully crying as his nose continued bleeding and he couldn't move off the chair. Jongho was more than pleased by the sight.

This was an unknown man that introduced himself as a gardener. Jongho wasn't stupid, he knew that this man was sent by some of his enemies. He didn't hire anyone to come and take care of his garden. 

This man just interrupted his morning run, and Jongho was already more pissed off by that. 

"Okay." Jongho then shrugged, taking off his bloody gloves and throwing them at the so called gardener. 

He turned to Yunho and just nodded towards the man, letting them know what was their job. 

"You had your chances, now it's over." Jongho said as Seonghwa and Yunho came to him. 

Jongho smirked as he watched his face fall apart, and he just turned around and walked up the stairs as loud screams in pain were heard. 

He sighed as he fixed his hoodie as he still wore his running clothes, closing his eyes and breathing in some fresh air. Jongho hummed as he walked forward to the entrance of the house. 

Jongho searched his pocket, tapping around it and pulling out the box of cigarettes and a lighter. He put the stick between his lips, lighting it up and still walking to the main entrance. 

He suddenly stopped, puffing the air out of his mouth as he saw Yeosang and Hongjoong sitting there in the garden on a blanket and talking about something as they laughed. They had a couple of cupcakes on the plate next to them and cups of coffee. 

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows as he saw how happy they looked, and he immediately walked over to them in both confusion and kind of jealousy. 

"You guys having fun?" Jongho asked, smiling slowly as he saw Yeosang look up to him.

He looked adorable. His blonde hair was tied into a small ponytail that probably Hongjoong did, making Jongho clench his jaw at the thought. 

"Oh, hey. We were just having coffee and talking about some stuff outside." Hongjoong explained as he gave Jongho a small smile. 

Jongho looked between them, humming a bit and taking a whiff of the smoke and then puffing out the air from his mouth. He laid his eyes on Yeosang and didn't even notice Hongjoong get up from the blanket. 

"Well, I got some job to finish. Seonghwa is also waiting for me to go out again, so please don't mind me going away." Hongjoong explained and then turned to Yeosang.

"We'll finish the talk later, okay Yeo? I really need to finish this job urgently."

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows because of the nickname. Since when did the two of them get so close to the point they had nicknames for each other?

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