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Yeosang jumped around the club, taking a sip of his drink again as he just danced without a care and kept drinking. 

Wooyoung, his best friend and the person he was with tonight, was long lost probably to hook up with some guy he found.

It's not like Yeosang minded anyway. He liked being alone, he just always has.

He enjoyed being alone ever since he was little, and the alcohol and loud music just made things better.

He didn't have much worries in his life apart from the university where he was studying to be a professional dancer, but apart from that, nothing much. 

Yeosang doesn't keep the contact with his family specially because they were abusive as he was growing up, so the only person he has was Wooyoung.

They met in kindergarten and stayed close like two peas in a pod. 

He didn't have a lover, no matter boy or girl, and Yeosang was pretty happy the way his life was now.

He is independent and has his own job and place, so he got nothing to be worried about apart from going into the debt.  

Yeosang giggled as he kept bumping into people as he walked to the bar for another drink, mumbling a small 'sorry' to everyone he hit against.

He sat down on the chair that was against the bar, giggling to get the bartender's attention.

"Another one, please!" He asked with a small pout as he pushed his empty glass to the bartender. 

The guy shook his head as he did as he was told, pouring Yeosang another glass of the whiskey Yeosang drank.

It wasn't really strong, but it was strong for Yeosang. He is a lightweight baby after all. 

He thanked the bartender and went away to drink his drink, vibing to the loud music and again bumping into people.

Yeosang drunkenly giggled as he just walked somewhere. He drank the rest of his whiskey soon before he decided to go out and catch some fresh air. 

But little did he know, Yeosang was being watched by a mysterious silhouette that leaned against the wall and watched every single of his move. 

The person smirked as he took a sip of his whiskey again, pulling his phone out and dialing a familiar number. 

"Mingi, get everything ready. The time is coming and you know what to do." The person spoke.

"Yes, sir." Mingi replied. 

The person ended the call, drank rest of his drink and went outside to follow Yeosang.

He is the reason he is here after all.

► ► ► ► ►

Yeosang sat down on the curb outside of the club and pulled out his phone.

He texted Wooyoung, letting him know he was okay and probably going home now. Yeosang knew he wouldn't receive a text until the morning, but he didn't really care. 

He hummed as he took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, placing a stick between his lips and lighting it up.

Yeosang took a breath, closing his eyes as he puffed out the air and just kept sitting there in silence. 

The music from the club was still heard outside since there was no one out. Yeosang liked silence, so he just took a few moments to be like this. He didn't usually smoke, but he did occasionally. 

Yeosang just kept sitting there and puffing out the air in silence until he heard footsteps slowly start to approach him. 

He opened his eyes and saw a black shiny shoes standing in front of him suddenly. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he looked up. 

He saw a man that looked around his age, staring down at him in a long black coat and black jeans.

He had a long black hair and just looked down to Yeosang with those dark eyes. He looked so intimidating and just..expensive.

Yeosang gulped as he stared back at him, unsure what to say at all. He just looked so intimidating and just..scary.

He looked pissed off and just distant and cold, but yet so handsome in Yeosang's eyes. But what is he doing here?

"Kang Yeosang, am I right?" The man suddenly spoke up. 

Yeosang shivered at the tone of his voice. He sounded so cold, like he could kill someone with his voice.

It was deep and just..sounding cold.

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the man. He gulped again as he felt himself shake a bit. How did this man know his name?

"W-what? Who are you?" Yeosang asked, trying not to be afraid. 

The man just stared at him before he smirked. Yeosang felt himself shaking, and his instinct was telling him to run away. He just stared back. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting you? I thought I saw an angel sitting here." The man smirked. 

Yeosang blushed. "What the fuck?" 

The man chuckled, eyeing the stick in Yeosang's hand and suddenly just standing there. Yeosang wanted to cry suddenly. 

"You look so beautiful that you made me forget what I wanted to say." The still unknown man chuckled. 

Yeosang widened his eyes. Who was this psycho and how did he know his name? He was really starting to become afraid and he was really thinking about running away from this man.

Yeosang suddenly got up, throwing the cigarette bud on the floor and stepping on it.

The man followed his every action as he just stood there and watched him with a stone cold expression. 

"I-I'm really sorry sir, but I should go." Yeosang bowed down. 

The man hasn't said a thing and instead just watched him as he tried walking away as fast as he could.

A smirk plastered itself on the man's face as he saw the familiar black van pulling up next to Yeosang. 

He saw two men that were masked taking Yeosang in the matter of the seconds. One of them placed a handkerchief on his face.

"Mm!- Help!" Yeosang yelled.

Yeosang tried fighting them off, shaking his legs and jerking in their hold.

"Hey! Let me go!" He yelled as he tried jerking out of their hold, now moving even more.

Yeosang slowed down and was soon unconscious in the hold of his workers, making them easily pick him up and place him into the van. 

"Sir, it's all done. We did as you asked us." One of his coworkers said. 

The man smirked again as he nodded his head. He is finally done.

"Good job, now get him safely home before anyone sees you."

His workers soon drove off, leaving him to think about everything. The man looked up to the sky and closed his eyes. 

We are finally together now, baby..

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