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Yeosang got out of his apartment, walking downstairs and walking to the studio. 

He felt good, not really feeling like going to work but feeling alright ever since that thing with Jongho happened. They didn't talk since that day, which was 2 days ago, but Yeosang isn't sure if he should text him. 

Jongho did say sorry so many times, literally apologizing and explaining everything in so many details. Yeosang was kind of terrified by his mind and ideas. 

He didn't walk for too long, now finally nearing that one café bar that him and Wooyoung usually sit and have coffee after work. Yeosang hummed some kind of tune that was stuck in his mind for last few days as he walked through a not too busy city.

Yeosang suddenly bumped into someone that was getting out of the bar, letting out a small 'oof' and silently cursing under his breath. Why the hell people don't look when they are getting out?


"Kang Yeosang?" The man he bumped into suddenly asked, cutting him off in the middle of the sentence and completely shocking Yeosang.

Yeosang widened his eyes as he was taken back, staring at the elderly man who had a beard and wore an expensive looking suit and just stared back at Yeosang. Who the hell is this guy and what did he want?

"Yes, that's me? How did you know my name?" Yeosang asked. 

The man stared at him for a second before his face that was before stone cold turned into an evil smirk. Yeosang gulped as he waited for him to say anything, but he just stared before he spoke up.

"How I know you isn't important right now, but you should know that something bad will happen to your little boyfriend if he keeps playing with fire." He said.

Before Yeosang could even utter a word, the man that was standing in front of him literally a second ago was gone. Yeosang turned around and just watched him leave, still in shock as he tried to process what he just said. 

He wanted to ask that man what was that supposed to mean, but his feet were paralyzed as he just went through what happened in his mind once again. 

Who the hell is that man? He definitely had some kind of relationship with Jongho when he said boyfriend. He was afraid all of a sudden. 

Yeosang shook his head as he pulled his phone out, not even thinking twice as he clicked onto Jongho's contact name and waited for him to pick up after a few rings. He sighed after a few seconds as he walked again. 

Come on Jongho, pick up..

And just as he said that, Jongho suddenly picked up. 

"Love, is everything okay?" He asked. 

Yeosang sighed again. Nothing was really okay, but how should he say that? 

"I just bumped into a guy who just told me something bad will happen if you keep playing with fire." Yeosang explained. 

There was a small silence on the other hand, until Jongho suddenly tsked. 

"That fucking asshole."  Jongho suddenly said.

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Jongho smiled as he stood in front of the mansion that was in the forest in the middle of the night, breathing in and out through his mask that he kept on his face to hide it from anyone who might see him.

He just loved when his plans work out well. It was just so perfect most of the time. 

He shook his head, searching through his pocket to find the matches he brought and finally pulling them out. He waited for this moment for days, and just knowing that Lee is inside was enough to satisfy Jongho. 

That asshole really though he could do anything to him. Finding his house was a piece of cake, and all Jongho wanted for now was to burn it down no matter if he dies or not. 

Lee is going to die because of Jongho anyway, he will make sure of that even if it's the last thing he would do. 

He giggled to himself as he stood in the darkness, suddenly moving his hand and lightning up the match. Jongho stared at it as it burned for a few seconds before he threw it in front, watching as the whole mansion went into flames in just a few moments. 

It was just so satisfying to watch, knowing that this house was something precious to Lee who ruined his family. It was just so perfect in Jongho's eyes. 

He made the plan of hiring people that were working for Lee to put gasoline all over his house, knowing that they hate him too. He just payed them and made his plan become true finally.

Jongho just watched in satisfaction as it burned, not moving an inch as he just observed without a care. He was too late to care now. 

"This is what you get for ruining my whole life, you fucking scumbag. I can't believe that people like you still exist in this world." Jongho mumbled mostly to himself. 

He just smirked as the fire caught all parts of the house, taking one last look as he just then turned around and walked back to his car. He just didn't feel bad at all, not even a little bit of guilt. 

Jongho felt more than good as he drove back to the city in the middle of the night all alone, texting everyone that it was all good as he drove before speeding over. He also needed to see Yeosang tomorrow for their little date he advised to have. 

He was more excited for that than burning the damn house down. Jongho smiled at the memory of Yeosang smiling. How cute is that guy? Jongho couldn't stop thinking about him. He just didn't want Yeosang involved in his job.

But Jongho knew that he is going to take his plan onto another level, and he just had a perfect idea of how he should do so.

"Just you wait, Lee. I'm going to get you before you even know it, motherfucker." 

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