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Yeosang hugged himself to warm up as the air blew as him and Jongho were outside. 

He was still shaking because of that man and what he did, ignoring Jongho who stood in front of him and watched his every move. Yeosang sniffled as he calmed down from crying a bit, but he was still deeply upset.

And he was even more upset because Jongho is right there. 

He just popped out of nowhere and saved Yeosang, saying that he is his boyfriend and saving him right there to act like nothing was going on. That deeply upset Yeosang.

Yeosang was staring at the floor until he felt a coat being placed on his body. He looked up to Jongho who was placing his coat over Yeosang's shivering body, leaving himself in a button up shirt. 

"Are you okay?" Jongho asked. 

Yeosang just stared at him before he gulped and just nodded his head, looking down to his feet again as Jongho let out a small sigh.

"Are you really okay? Do you want to go and sit down?" He asked again. 

Yeosang really had no energy to talk to him. He was so mad at him for literally stalking him, literally how else would you know that Yeosang is here?

"Jongho, I'm okay." He replied. 

Jongho hummed, placing his hands in his pockets and staring at Yeosang for a few moments as the male avoided his eyes. Jongho wanted to kiss him and hold him right there, but he was raging inside because of that man.

"What are you even doing here alone? That guy could have easily raped you!" Jongho raised his voice. 

Yeosang gulped as he kept avoiding his gaze. "I was with Wooyoung, not alone.."

Jongho shook his head. "Yeosang, that man is dangerous!-"

Yeosang snapped in the matter of seconds. 

"Don't fucking act like you care about me now! You are the one who told me to leave and now you expect me to act like nothing was happening? Jongho, what are you even doing here?" Yeosang cut him off. 

He was so mad. He was pissed off for Jongho being like that, and now even lecturing him for going out? What else did he expect?

"Yeosang, I did that for your own good! Don't throw words in my face!" Jongho almost yelled back. 

Yeosang rolled his eyes. "For my own good? Jongho, I fucking didn't want to leave! I liked it there, I liked it with you! And you didn't even hear me out and expect me to act like nothing was going on? You have no idea how this looks in my eyes!"

Jongho stared at him, clenching his jaw and just looking awfully pissed off at Yeosang. He just stared back at Jongho without a damn care, crossing his arms over his chest. He felt so many emotions as he held back from screaming at Jongho. 

Jongho ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back and exposing his beautiful forehead. 

"I know you don't trust me after that, I know. I just want you to know that I did that to protect you. Your safety is what matters to me, and I know that it sounds awful in your eyes that I couldn't tell you what was happening." Jongho said as he took a hold of Yeosang's palm.

It was like Yeosang's anger was gone the moment he took his hand. He stared at Jongho and just waited for him to continue. 

Jongho sighed. "But you and Wooyoung are not safe. I feel so bad for pulling you in things that aren't supposed to be your problems at all, but I really need to protect you guys. I won't forgive myself if something ever happened to you."

Yeosang almost broke down in tears at that.

He stared at Jongho who looked guilty. He gulped as he stared at Jongho and tried to find words to say anything, but they were stuck in a loop as he just couldn't utter a single thing and just stared in Jongho's beautiful eyes. 

Yeosang was so lost on what to feel. He wanted to kiss Jongho so badly, but he was feeling so betrayed. He just couldn't give up on a relationship Jongho and him started to have, but he felt bad. 

He felt bad because Jongho just told him to leave, but now he just couldn't decide. 

"Jongho.." Yeosang mumbled. 

Jongho hummed, rubbing his hand as he looked at Yeosang. He looked so pretty and just sexy in that outfit, but he knew what kind of feelings he was going through no matter how he looked.

"I- I don't know. I really don't want to give up, but I feel-"

"Betrayed, I know." Jongho cut him off. 

Yeosang stopped speaking, not knowing what else to say. He just stared at Jongho and left his coat hanging over his shoulders. He loved Jongho's scent on him, and Yeosang really found it hard to say no. 

"I really want to try and fix everything that happened. I want to protect you and love you like you deserve it-"

Jongho was cut off by lips being pressed against his own. Yeosang wrapped his arms around his shoulders as Jongho was shocked, smiling in the kiss and kissing him back in the matter of seconds. 

He missed this so much. He missed Yeosang and their kisses. 

Jongho wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him close, kissing him deeper and humming as he felt Yeosang smile in the kiss. 

"What's so funny?" Jongho asked as they pulled away. 

Yeosang smiled. "I missed you so much."

Jongho hummed, pulling him even closer and kissing the top of his head as he hugged him. Yeosang felt so good in his arms, just like he was made for it and no one else belonged in them. 

"I missed you too.." Jongho mumbled as he stroked his head. 

Yeosang kept hugging him, pulling away and giving him a smile. Jongho loved his smile so much, and he would stare at it every second of the day he could. 

"Where is Wooyoung?" Yeosang asked him. 

Jongho hummed. "San is taking care of him, so they will probably be out soon."

Yeosang nodded, now relaxed that he knows San is with Wooyoung. At least he is in safe hands.

The silence fell as they just kept looking down or around, avoiding both of their gazes and trying to find words what to say.

"But you know that I can't forgive you fully still." Yeosang suddenly spoke up. 

"I still can't live with you. You know what you did changed things, but I'm willing to change things." Yeosang smiled.

Jongho looked up in the matter of seconds, eyes wide and then suddenly smiling. He raised his hand up and cupped his cheek softly.

"So does this mean you are coming back to me, that you are giving me another chance?" Jongho asked as he moved the hair behind his ear. 

Yeosang smiled before he leaned in and pecked his lips for a quick second. 

"Of course, silly."

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