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Seonghwa groaned silently as he held onto his bruised nose and letting his lower lip bleed. 

Hongjoong angrily rummaged through the first aid kit, slamming each thing he didn't need on the coffee table in the living room. 

"Fuck all of this, why am I even doing this? It's your fault.." Hongjoong grumbled under his breath as he turned to look at Seonghwa who was sitting on the sofa.

Seonghwa was still in pain, but he managed to smile.

Angry Hongjoong looked adorable in his eyes, no matter how pissed he was at him. 

"I should have just left you there, you deserve it after all. It's your own fault for distracting me when I told you to stop." Hongjoong kept grumbling to himself as he placed some liquid onto the cotton. 

Seonghwa couldn't stop smiling as he forced his hand down and dabbed the cotton not to gently onto his lip.

Not like he cared as long as Hongjoong was near him, he would do anything just to stay like that.

"Joong-" He started to speak as Hongjoong turned around to grab a cream. 

Hongjoong eyed him. "Don't speak. I really don't want to hear any of it."

Seonghwa chuckled. "Can you get more adorable than you are now?"

He knew he was pissing Hongjoong off even more, but he will make sure Hongjoong understands that Seonghwa has his eyes only for him and no one else. 

Hongjoong turned around with a tube of ointment cream in his hand and wide eyes. He definitely didn't expect that. 

He has to show him that somehow. Seonghwa has been eyeing Hongjoong for almost 3 years now, but the smaller just kept his distance from him and tried avoiding Seonghwa's way of flirting. 

"S-stop.." Hongjoong mumbled as he took his eyes off Seonghwa and looked at the cream in his hand. 

He squeezed some of it onto the cotton stick as Seonghwa giggled, letting him apply some of the cream onto his nose. Seonghwa kept looking at Hongjoong's beautiful face as he focused onto the bruise he made. 

Seonghwa unconsciously placed his hands onto Hongjoong's hips, pulling him closer and humming a bit as the male gasped and tried jerking out of his hold. 


"Just listen to me, okay?" Seonghwa cut him off.

Hongjoong just stared at him, not really saying anything and waiting for him to speak. Seonghwa sighed and just looked him into the eyes as he still held his hips.

"Joong, please don't run away from me. All I ever wanted was to be near you, to get close to you maybe as friends and nothing else. We are not kids anymore, and I just want to apologize and treat you like you deserve it." Seonghwa spoke.

Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows as he just stared at Seonghwa and didn't know what to say. It was like his mouth went dry at that.

He just stared at Seonghwa as he held onto his hips like it was the most normal thing in the world, not really knowing what to do and just gulping a bit. 

"Please, just allow me to try even harder to get you to fall for me. I want you and only you, I've been wanting you and no one else for almost 3 years now. I want to take you out on a date only if you allow me to do so." Seonghwa spoke as he rubbed his hips. 

Seonghwa looked at him with those puppy like eyes, like he was truly meaning all he said.

Hongjoong really didn't know what to believe. His mind was telling him no, but he wanted to know what it would feel like. 

He wanted Seonghwa to take him out on a date, but Hongjoong really wasn't sure if Seonghwa was honest or he was just fucking with him. 

Seonghwa sighed. "Hongjoong, I really do mean everything I said. I want to take you out and treat you like you deserve it. How will you know if I'm honest if you don't try?"

Hongjoong usually hated when Seonghwa flirted with him, but now..

But now he was actually re-thinking his choices. He wanted to see what Seonghwa really was like, and if he was worth trying. It won't hurt to go out with the guy once. 

"It's okay-" Seonghwa was cut off by Hongjoong placing his hands on his shoulders. 

"Yeah, let's go on a date." he smiled. 

► ► ► ► ►

Yeosang was really hesitant to go near Jongho again. 

Ever since the day he wore that outfit, which was 4 days ago, Yeosang tried avoiding Jongho as much as he could.

He didn't want to face him. He didn't want to know what Jongho wanted to say about it again, and he didn't want to even see him.

Every time Jongho came home, Yeosang acted like he was asleep locked in his room. 

Jongho was kind off pissed by that, and Yeosang knew it because the maids told him Jongho was searching for him, but he really didn't want to talk to him because he was simply afraid. 

He was afraid of what Jongho might do and say. 

Yeosang sighed as he was bored out of his mind, but he wasn't going to read or sleep anymore.

He was exhausted by not doing anything and not even talking to anyone. If Wooyoung was here, it would have been better. 

Yeosang played a bit with the food on the plate. He wasn't even hungry, and yet he was just eating because he had nothing to do. 

He couldn't go to classes, no phone, no internet, no socialization, like he lived in 18th century. And yet Yeosang couldn't leave and live his normal life. 

Suddenly, there was a expensive car pulling up and stopping in front of the house as the gates opened.

Jongho got out of the passenger seat and slammed the door shut before he started walking towards the main door. 

His hair was slicked back with half of it falling down his face as he wore an all black outfit, but Yeosang realized he was wearing a wristwatch. It just made him hotter. 

Yeosang widened his eyes as he saw him through the huge window in the kitchen, immediately getting out of his seat and starting to run upstairs.

He ran as fast as he could up to his room, and just as he was in the middle of stairs, he had no luck. 

"Yeosang." Jongho spoke up. 

Yeosang's heart sank down to his stomach as he stopped running and turned around to face Jongho slowly, silently hoping he won't do anything. He wanted to just be left alone. 

Jongho stared at him as he stood in front of the stairs, making Yeosang gulp as they just stared at each other. He wanted to disappear so badly. 

"Come here." Jongho demanded as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 

Yeosang gulped again as they just stared at each other, and he suddenly felt so uncomfortable.

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