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Yeosang was a little nervous as he started driving, actually making Jongho giggle as he sat in the passenger seat and watched as he drove it in reverse. 

It felt kind of weird, but Jongho would lie if Yeosang didn't look attractive like this. He understood why he looked at Jongho always when he drove. 

"Just go slow. No rushing, okay?" Jongho said after he heard him let out a small nervous sigh. 

Yeosang smiled as he looked to him, nodding his head and placing his hand on the gearbox, moving it and changing the speed. Jongho knew that he wasn't used to driving, but he was glad he could help.

"Thanks. I don't know when was it the last time I drove." Yeosang said. 

Jongho smiled. "It's okay, just relax. You're doing good." 

Yeosang smiled back as he started driving, still being careful but doing amazing. Jongho told him the directions to the restaurant he wanted to take him out at and enjoyed seeing Yeosang actually being happy. 

"Just continue straight until the end of the highway, and you'll se the turn for the left."

Yeosang hummed, too focused on driving to answer him with words and making Jongho chuckle. He eyed the hand Yeosang had on gearbox and actually took it off it, intertwining their fingers together. 

He let out a small 'oh?' as Jongho did that, kissing the outer side of his hand and then giving him a small smug smile. 

"Oh, what is this? Choi Jongho is actually turning into a softie!" Yeosang teased as he continued to drive at the almost empty highway.

Jongho squinted his eyes and eyed him up and down as a joke, just joking with him as he tightened his hold on Yeosang's hand. Yeosang smiled as he continued driving, shaking his head at that and just allowing him to do what he wanted.

But what Jongho definitely didn't expect to ruin the perfect moment was seeing the two black cars trailing behind them in the side view mirror.

He knew that turning around to see it clearly was a bad idea, but Jongho was sure he knew what was going on and exactly who those people are.

"Yeosang, my love." Jongho spoke as softly as he could. 

Yeosang hummed, seemingly unbothered as Jongho rubbed his hand. 

"I want you to stay calm now, and don't ever turn back." Jongho said. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. He turned his head to Jongho in confusion, definitely trying to calm down and stay calm despite panicking inside as he gulped visibly.

"Listen to me." Jongho spoke, tightening his hold on Yeosang's hand. 

"Don't turn back. Just keep driving and look forward, but just slowly increase the speed and turn right. I'll tell you where to go then. Just stay calm." Jongho explained as he tried to keep Yeosang calm. 

The male breathed in and out in a shaky way, nodding his head and gulping as he saw the two black cars trailing after them in the rearview mirror. He slowly stared to press onto the pedal, now speeding away in a very fast speed. 

Jongho let out a small sigh as they sped up too, gulping as he actually felt his nerves start to get on the edge. Yeosang looked even more scared, literally terrified but trying to maintain calm. 

"They are still behind us, Jongho, what do we do now?" Yeosang asked in a clear panic. 

Jongho sighed. "Just stay calm, and fasten up. We have to lose them as soon as possible."

Yeosang gulped, nodding his head and pressing onto the pedal even more. Jongho was sure they were going over the speed limit, but he really didn't care. 

Even after a few moments of it, Yeosang realized it wasn't going to work out easily. He gulped and realized what he needed to do. It was dangerous, but he knew it was the only way.

"Hold on tight." Yeosang demanded as he moved the gearbox. 

Jongho didn't have time to react since he pushed the pedal harder, now going over the speed of 200 kilometers per hour on a empty highway, making them lean back into their seats suddenly. Jongho widened his eyes as he did that, looking over to Yeosang in amusement and smiling. 

He knew it was very dangerous, but this was really the only way. Yeosang sighs nervously as he sees the sign for the right turn with the cars still chasing behind them.

"Turn right and then left, it will confuse them!" Jongho immediately yelled, making him do as he was told. 

Yeosang quickly turned the car on the right, still going 200 plus kilometers per hour in a straight way and now turning left in the matter of seconds and driving into the abandoned parking lot as the two cars drew forward.

Jongho let out a small sigh of relief as he saw that no one was behind them and instead they just went straight.

"Fucking hell.." He mumbled as he rubbed his face as Yeosang parked the car. 

He was panting by the way they stopped, both scared and nervous. Yeosang's heart was beating in the way like it would jump out of his chest as he breathed in and out.

Jongho looked over to him, realizing they were still holding hands and now rubbing his hand to calm Yeosang down. 

"Hey, you're okay. Calm down." Jongho mumbled. 

Yeosang breathed in and out, opening his eyes and unbuckling his seatbelt. Jongho watched as he did that, both still high on adrenaline and panting by the time they looked into each other's eyes. 

But what Jongho didn't expect was for Yeosang to grab him by the front of his button up, pull him close and crash their lips together. Jongho widened his eyes, but he kissed him back in the matter of seconds. 

He held Yeosang by his waist and kissed him deeper, feeling the blonde's hands fiddling around the buttons of his shirt until Yeosang actually started to unbutton it. Jongho smirked into the kiss and allowed him to do so until he did it fully and he grabbed him by the jaw and pulled away.

"Already?" Jongho giggled.

Yeosang looked like he was about to cry when he stopped kissing him, instead just pouting and letting out a small whine at Jongho as he tugged at his shirt.

"Get in the back." Jongho demanded. 

Yeosang smirked before he shook his head and stole a kiss from him again. 

"Of course, Jongie."

Well, screw the reservation in a restaurant. 

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