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Yeosang looked down to his feet, feeling his eyes start to fill with tears and not knowing what to do. 

He slowly walked downstairs as Jongho kept following his every step, looking kind of annoyed and making Yeosang even more nervous. He hated this, all he wanted was to be alone. 

He walked until he was standing in front of Jongho, not daring to look at him as Jongho just stared at him. Yeosang didn't want to be here, literally begging just for a hole to open in the floor and swallow him. 

Jongho was looking pissed, but it was like all the feelings he felt were gone when he saw Yeosang's lower lip quivering as he avoided his gaze. 

He furrowed his eyebrows and placed his fingers under Yeosang's chin, raising his head and seeing tears that were literally flooding his eyes like he was on the edge of crying his soul out. Jongho's heart literally broke. 

"Hey, what's wrong Yeosang?" Jongho asked as softly as he could.

Yeosang shook his head, avoiding his gaze as he suddenly felt so broken. He wanted to be alone, he wanted to be with Wooyoung and cry. 

"N-nothing.." He mumbled, sniffling a bit as he again looked down. 

Jongho was little to say, devastated. He hated seeing Yeosang cry.

He swore he will never make Yeosang cry again, but he wanted to comfort him so much. Jongho was heartbroken every time he cried. It felt like a part of him was teared apart every time he cried. 

"Yeosang, you are shaking and crying. What happened?" Jongho spoke softly as he held Yeosang by his shoulders. 

Yeosang kept his eyes closed, shaking his head and breathing in and out as he tried to calm down. He didn't want to cry in front of Jongho. 

Before he could even speak, Jongho took him by the waist and lifted him up like he weighted nothing. He walked upstairs to the other side of the hallway, opening the door to the dark room and letting Yeosang down.

He didn't want to fight Jongho. He had no energy to do so, and he just knew he was too weak to do anything. All Yeosang wanted was to be alone, and yet he was here crying because of Jongho. Why? He wasn't 100% sure himself. 

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened my love?" Jongho mumbled as Yeosang continued to sob.

The male shook his head as Jongho tried not to cry too, literally hurting because Yeosang is crying.

He slowly cupped Yeosang's cheeks and raised his head up, no matter how much he was crying. Jongho wanted him to say what is wrong, what's bothering him. He wanted for Yeosang to trust him.

"I-..." Yeosang started speaking, but he burst out crying again. 

He was sick of this. He wanted to go home, not be stuck here and literally just begging to be dead because of everything. He was literally stuck here like in a 17th century, and Yeosang never wished to be more dead than now. 

Jongho widened his eyes. "Hey-"

"I'm fucking sick of everything! Why did you have to do this?! Why me?!" Yeosang almost screamed.

Jongho was more than shocked. He knew that Yeosang was madly upset with him, but this much? He was literally having a mental breakdown in front of Jongho. 

"You are fucking sick! What a normal person would kidnap someone, huh? I never asked for this, and you still dare to act like everything is normal you motherfucker!" Yeosang yelled again, now wiping his tears away angrily. 

Jongho just stood there in silence, allowing him to yell at him all he wanted because that's what he deserved after all. Yeosang was right, he wasn't normal. This wasn't normal.

Yeosang cried and cried, letting what seemed all of the feelings he held bottled inside out. Jongho was hurting too, but definitely not like Yeosang. And the fact he was hurting because of Jongho was a lot. 

"All I ever asked for you was to take me home or at least get me a phone so I can talk to Wooyoung, and you didn't allow me anything! I'm literally sitting here, wasting my life because of you!" 

Yeosang's face was red and eyes puffy from all the crying. He was a literal mess, and Jongho never wanted to hug him more than he did now. 

"I can't...Are you just going to stand there?!" Yeosang screamed, now literally yelling at him so the whole house could hear him. 

Yeosang seemed to have a mental breakdown by the way he was yelling and not being able to calm down at all. Jongho wasn't surprised by that, but he knew that it was the best just to keep his distance from Yeosang now. 


"Fuck you! I hate you! Why didn't I just kill myself and end all of this?!" Yeosang screamed, pulling onto his hair and almost ripping it out due to how hard he was pulling at it.

Jongho widened his eyes, now stepping closer and tugging Yeosang's hand away from his hair. He was so close to pulling it out that he also got scared. 

"Don't touch me, you sick psycho!" Yeosang yelled as he moved his hand away from Jongho's hold.

Jongho was too stunned to say anything, and even before he could say anything Yeosang was walking away from the room. 

Jongho was quick to catch up as he ran, but before he could even do anything, Yeosang slammed the door of his room shut right in front of his face. Jongho widened his eyes. 

He soon heard the lock being turned around, and even if Jongho didn't know he had a key, that was the least of his problems now. Yeosang was inside, probably crying his soul out because of him and thinking suicidal thoughts. 

He had a whole breakdown in front of Jongho, and yet he just stood there and Jongho hated himself for that. It was now too late.

Yeosang will definitely stay there as long as he wants, and Jongho won't force him on anything. It will just make things even more worse. 

Jongho maybe really wasn't good at this.

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