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Jongho blinked as he watched Yeosang glowing under the sun. 

His skin was sparkling and white hair tied in a small ponytail looking even brighter, looking like a literal angel as he sat there across from Jongho and just read the book in silence. 

He wanted to keep Jongho company because Jongho asked him so right after Yeosang had breakfast, and he hesitantly agreed but Jongho couldn't stop staring at him instead of working on his job. 

Yeosang looked at least slightly better now, but he was also still very careful around Jongho, like he is scared. Jongho of course understood him and tried not to force him because of the kiss and everything. 

Jongho just kept staring at him as Yeosang just looked so beautiful. How did god make such a beautiful creature? He was so goddamn handsome and beautiful at the same time, and Jongho has never seen a man more beautiful.

Is there anyone even prettier than him? Jongho really didn't know, and it didn't matter because Yeosang is the more beautiful anyway. He is always more beautiful than everyone. 

Jongho felt like he was caught red handed like a kid with a hand full of candies when Yeosang looked up. They locked eyes and just stared at each other for a few moments.

"S-sorry, I'll try to be more subtle-"

"No, I just got distracted. It's not your fault." Jongho cut him off. 

Yeosang blinked as he just stared at him, holding the book in his hand. Jongho felt jealous of that book because it was more with Yeosang than Jongho was. 

"You look wonderful today." Jongho spoke again. 

Yeosang blinked as the sun from the window light up his eyes, looking like a puppy as he stared at Jongho and just looking even more beautiful with his birthmark showing. He looked even more beautiful and bare faced.

He shyly smiled. "Thank you.."

Jongho smiled back. He averted his gaze back to the laptop and sighed as he started to type again. Just as he was in the middle of the sentence he was writing, Yeosang spoke up. 

"Uh- Jongho?..." Yeosang mumbled. 

Jongho immediately looked away, focusing on Yeosang again and dropping everything. He would drop everything he can to focus on Yeosang. 

"Yeah, love?" Jongho asked. 

Yeosang shifted in his seat, looking down to his hands and then up to Jongho again. 

"Uh- Can I ask you something?" He mumbled. 

Jongho smiled, now fully focusing on Yeosang again. He was too much in love.

"You just did." Jongho shook his head. 

Yeosang bit his lower lip, smiling lightly too and then humming a bit. Jongho sensed his nervousness, and he did look kind of awkward. 

"Can I...have my phone back?" Yeosang mumbled, almost whispering. 

Jongho stared at him a bit, not really knowing what to say. He is against Yeosang having a phone in case he wants to run away, but what if he really needs him because of an emergency?

He sighed. "My love, you know that I would be against it and you know why. What if someone tracks your phone and things end up bad?"

Yeosang visibly got crushed by that, but Jongho knew that Yeosang understood him and why he just said that. Jongho explained everything a few times to him, and he was sure Yeosang understands it. He is very smart after all. 

But he did look like he was about to cry when he said no. He slowly nodded and lowered his head down, making Jongho's heart ache. The last he ever wanted was to make Yeosang sad or upset. 


"It's alright, I understand. I just wanted to talk to Wooyoung.. Let's just drop this."

Jongho stopped himself from speaking as he heard him say that, and he wanted to hug Yeosang. He just stared at him as he watched the blonde start to read his book again. Jongho sighed mentally. 

Was he being too harsh? All he wanted was to protect Yeosang and love him. He understood it's wrong, but he also didn't know why was he so overprotective. 

Jongho is starting to think about some things. 

► ► ► ► ►

Wooyoung yawned as he rubbed his messy hair and walked to the front door. 

It was literally 8am and who was knocking on the door now? He was ready to throw hands in his pajamas at the person no matter who it was. 

He opened the door and widened his eyes as he saw San standing there. 

He was all real, standing there in front of him at 8am and confusing Wooyoung even more. What was he doing here? 

San smiled at Wooyoung, literally not being able to see his eyes as he smiled and just looked wonderful so early in the morning. His hair was slicked back and he wore a white button up shirt tucked in his pants. 

Wooyoung was confused as he just stared at him and blinked.

"Hey there. I hope I didn't wake you up." San spoke up. 

Wooyoung shook his head. "San, I literally slept for 3 hours. What are you doing here?"

San smiled. "I brought breakfast for you. I thought we could eat together since we had an abrupt meeting last time."

Wooyoung eyed the bag in his hand, crossed his arms and looked at San again. 

"Tell me one reason why I should eat breakfast with you. I don't know you, and I don't even eat breakfast." He said as he leaned against the doorway. 

San furrowed his eyebrows. "You don't know me, but that doesn't mean you don't have to get to know me."

Wooyoung rolled his eyes as he said that. Why would he ever want to get to know San? 

"And you know that skipping meals and not sleeping is very unhealthy, right? That's exactly why you should let me in and share this meal before it gets cold." 

Wooyoung hated being told what to do. He hated the fact that San was right about him being unhealthy by skipping meals. And maybe he is truly right. 

"Come on, I brought chicken and samgyeopsal. You sure you don't want any?" San teased with a small smile. 

Wooyoung perked up at the mention of delicious food. He knew that maybe he really should let San inside. It won't hurt if he has breakfast with him, right? It can't hurt just to chat with him a bit.

He has been alone ever since Yeosang was with Jongho, and it was kind of lonely. So Wooyoung made up his mind. 

He sighed and moved away, showing his arm as a get in sign. "Just get in."

San smiled and thanked him before getting inside. 

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