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Yeosang huffed as he was thrown on the bed. 

Jongho literally hovered over him, pinning his hands on the bed as Yeosang kicked his legs and arms. 

"Calm down, damn it!" Jongho yelled at him. 

All Yeosang could see was anger in his eyes. He gulped as he stopped jerking and just stared at Jongho, trying not to cry and yell at Jongho.

How dare this guy actually do this and do nothing when Yeosang is right here yelling at him to let him go?

Yeosang wondered what actually happened and how did he even manage to get here? It's all too weird. This guy literally just came to him and Yeosang was here.

"Don't fucking think you will escape from me! I will end you if you even think of it!" Jongho yelled in his face.

Yeosang gulped as he just held him and didn't try to fight him, now actually fearing for his life and not really knowing of what this guy was capable of. He is so rich and intimidating, and Yeosang is sure this guy isn't a businessman. 

Jongho seemed scary and just angry now, and he really was. Yeosang was trying his best not to shake now as they just stared at each other, not really knowing what to do. 

Jongho let him go, pushing himself off as he still stared at Yeosang with those eyes full of anger as Yeosang sat up and watched as he stared down at him. 

"I didn't plan all of this just for you to escape. Oh, and be sure that I'll get you back in the matter of seconds when you do so." Jongho stared at him as he said that, not even blinking. 

Yeosang widened his eyes. He planned this? This motherfucker actually planned all of this?!

"You sick fucker.." Yeosang mumbled under his breath as he just stared at Jongho, forgetting about his wrists and not even knowing what to do.

He felt scared, his wrists were hurting and Yeosang wanted to escape this sick man that is here just standing in front of him and not even trying to hide the fact that he planned all of this. 

Jongho smirked. "That's so sweet of you. I love it when you are feisty and all sassy. It makes you look cool."

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. This wasn't being feisty, this was actually called being real and being afraid. This man is sick. 

Yeosang scoffed. "Don't think I won't escape from you. You are fucking sick in the head, man!" 

Jongho's face went blank. He clenched his jaw and slowly nodded, looking like he was trying to hold back his anger and annoyance.

"Okay then, however you say." Jongho shrugged. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. What?


Jongho pursued his lips. "I don't know, let's see about it then."

He suddenly started to walk towards the door, and just say Yeosang got up and ran to the door, Jongho closed it right in front of his face and a second later the lock was heard.

"Hey! You fucking- Jongho!" Yeosang yelled as he slammed his fists against the door.

He tried jerking the lock, not succeeding and realizing he is stuck. Jongho just left him here without anything and anyone, all alone without food. Yeosang groaned as he slammed his head against the door.

"What the fuck?" Yeosang mumbled to himself. 

► ► ► ► ►

He doesn't know how much hours passed. 

Yeosang felt like he was stuck here for years already, and he was sure he was going crazy. He hasn't heard a thing ever since Jongho left him here, and all he did was lie around and sleep a bit.

He groaned as he looked out of the window, seeing nothing else but woods and a sky that was slowly turning pitch black. He hated this, and Yeosang thought about jumping down.

Would that even allow him to escape from this sick man? Yeosang really thought about writing a letter to Wooyoung and just vanishing. He knew that it's better to kill himself than to stay here. 

"Don't even think about it." The voice he has heard before said. 

Yeosang snapped his head from where the voice came from, seeing the same orange haired male as he had a plate in his hand. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't realize the door was unlocked. 

He placed the plate on the table, turning to Yeosang who just stared at him in confusion.

"Boss ordered me to bring you dinner here. You will be having three meals a day here and you're not able to go out of this room."

Yeosang thought he didn't hear him well. Is anyone here normal?

"Are you fucking serious now? I can't even go out of this room? Am I a damn animal?!" Yeosang raised his voice.

The man shrugged. "Boss ordered like that, so I got nothing to do with it. I'm just doing my job and doing as I'm told."

Yeosang groaned as he rubbed his forehead and threw himself on the bed, not caring about the fact that man was still here and just burying his face into it. How the fuck was he supposed to survive this now?

He is stuck in a middle of nowhere, with a damn psychopaths and he is literally held hostage! Yeosang is becoming enraged now, and every bit of scared feeling just vanished now. 

He doesn't have anything. What is he supposed to do all day? Even a simple book would keep him entertained even for a few days!

"Fucking hell." He mumbled. 

The door was soon slammed shut and afterwards locked, making Yeosang sigh as he sat up and looked back out of the window. Yeosang went back to thinking what he was thinking about just a few minutes before. 

He doesn't know anything, let alone where he was or anyone except for Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Jongho. All of them are sick here. Yeosang needed to escape, and he didn't even feel hungry anymore.

Yeosang sighed again as he turned around in the large bed and just buried his face into the silky pillowcase.

"Maybe jumping from here isn't such a bad idea." Yeosang mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes. 

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