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"Sir, please wait!" Jongho heard Mingi's voice.

He stopped walking and instead turned around, seeing the orange haired male walking up to him. Jongho raised his eyebrow.

He just came back after 3 hours of constant meetings and just overall bullshit that didn't interest Jongho at all.

He hated meeting people, specially because he knew that all of those people are after his money. 

Jongho locked one of the expensive cars he had, humming as he looked at Mingi.  

"Yeah? Is there anything wrong?" Jongho asked.

Mingi sighed. "Yeosang." 

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

He swore his heart stopped beating. He couldn't bear if anything ever happened to Yeosang. Jongho loved him, he was sure of it ever since 3 years ago when the beautiful blonde male caught his eye.

Jongho saw Yeosang for the first time when he was working for a company Jongho had a meeting at.

They looked at each other for a second before just minding their own business, but Jongho couldn't get enough of him. 

Over the years, he found every information of the blonde he possibly could. Jongho just became obsessed with him, and he couldn't get enough.

He was dreaming of having his beautiful boy waking up right next to him and loving him just like Jongho loved him. 

Jongho knew he needed that man right there and then, so he planned so many things and now Yeosang was here with him. Jongho isn't going to let him go ever again.

"What about Yeosang? Did something happen to him?" Jongho asked, now all ears and begging not to let anything happen. 

Mingi shook his head. "No, it didn't, but something might happen."

Jongho was confused. "What?"

"I mean, you left him there all alone, and when I gave him dinner yesterday, I heard him mumbling something about jumping from the window. He didn't even touch the food." Mingi explained. 

Jongho widened his eyes. "No. He won't do that. Does he even know that he is on the second floor?"

Mingi shook his head. "Probably not, and I guess he really will do that just to escape from you."

Jongho was raging once again. Yeosang isn't going to leave him. No. He isn't going to jump.

"Thanks." Jongho mumbled before leaving to Yeosang's room. 

He won't let anything happen to Yeosang. Jongho isn't going to let him leave or hurt himself ever. He just won't, and he isn't going to allow Yeosang to be hurt.

Jongho slowly unlocked the door and didn't bother to even knock, just coming straight in and seeing Yeosang curled on the bed and covering himself with a thick duvet. 

Jongho sighed as he saw the food he had for breakfast and dinner wasn't even touched and instead it just stood there. 

"Yeosang." Jongho spoke up.

The male didn't budge, instead just staying still and making Jongho want to smash his head against the wall. Of course Yeosang doesn't want to talk to him. 

"Baby, please." Jongho spoke again, trying his best not to sound angry even if he was pissed off because Yeosang is trying to hurt himself and ignoring him. 

But Jongho also knew that Yeosang isn't asleep, so he walked over to bed and caught Yeosang by his ankle and pulled him to the end of the bed.

Yeosang yelped as he sat up, eyes wide as Jongho stared at him and looking shocked. Jongho smirked at the sight of how cute he looked again.

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