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Yeosang panted as him and Jongho ran out towards the car, holding each other by hands as they ran.

He felt like he was about to die. He was both afraid and feeling like screaming because of how lost he is.

Jongho ran forward as they held hands, now running even faster as the car was in front of them.

Yeosang stared at Jongho who turned to him, still panting and looking pissed.

"Go to Busan with Seonghwa and others, okay? I have to leave and go back as soon as possible!" Jongho exclaimed as he let go of Yeosang's hand.

However, before he could even leave back to the house, Yeosang caught him by the wrist and turned him around again.

"What do you mean?! You can't go back inside! It's dangerous!" Yeosang exclaimed.

Jongho sighed as he looked at him. "Love, I have to go. I have to get rid of them with some other workers. I just have to."

Yeosang widened his eyes as he shook his head, holding Jongho by the shoulders and not letting him leave. There is no way.

"No! I won't allow you! Are you insane?" Yeosang almost yelled.

Jongho sighed, cupping his cheeks and looking Yeosang in the eyes. He was so in love with him, and even if Jongho would do anything Yeosang wanted him to do, he really can't listen to him and he needed to leave.

"Yeosang, my love, listen to me very carefully. I need to go. I have to take them down, and if I don't, we are all in danger even more than we are now."

Yeosang's eyes watered as he tried holding back his tears. He wasn't going to let Jongho go. He won't allow him to leave and get hurt.

"But it's dangerous! What if you get hurt? Or even worse-"

"Yeosang." Jongho cut him off as he lifted his head up again and made him stop talking.

Yeosang just stared at him, still shocked and almost crying in front of Jongho. He was scared. What if something happens to him?

"Nothing will happen, baby. I will be okay, but I really need to go." He said.

Yeosang just let the tears fall, sniffling a bit as Jongho smiled before he leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you so much. Don't ever forget that."

Yeosang sobbed as he hugged Jongho without a care, crying in his arms and not wanting Jongho to go.

Jongho rubbed his back for a few moments and kissed his head a few times, almost crying because of Yeosang crying too. He hated to see him cry.

"Be good and go to Busan, okay? Seonghwa is already waiting for you. Before you come there, you are more safe." Jongho said.

Yeosang pulled away and wiped away his tears with Jongho's help, kissing him on the lips again lightly before Jongho let go of him.

"I'll see you, I promise." He said as he tucked a string of hair behind his ear.

And with that, Jongho turned around and walked back into the house. Yeosang just watched his back as he walked, feeling something inside of him break.

He felt so lost. He knew it was so dangerous, and Yeosang just can't bear if anything happens to Jongho.

He cried even harder, almost completely breaking down.

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Yeosang cried, literally praying that Jongho is going to be okay. He wasn't religious, but he just prayed to god everything will be okay.

Jongho just had to be okay. He had to be alive and well when everything is over. Yeosang doesn't know how to live without him.

He was sitting on the floor in the living room in Busan where all of them are staying now. He wanted to just sleep and not wake up until Jongho gets back.

A hand rubbed his back suddenly, making him look up from where he was keeping his head on his arms that were on his knees as he cried.

Yeosang looked up to Hongjoong who gave him a sad smile, still rubbing his back as Yeosang stared at him with sore red eyes.

"He's gonna be okay. Jongho is a strong man, you got nothing to be worried about."

Yeosang nodded. "I hope so.."

Hongjoong smiled. "He is. He is smart, and he has people to help him. You got nothing to be worried about."

Yeosang really didn't feel better at all. What if something actually happens? How will he be able to get over if the worse happens?

"I hope so, hyung.." He mumbled.

Hongjoong rubbed his back before he sat down next to him on the floor, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and hugging Yeosang.

"It's okay, just calm down. Jongho is fine." Hongjoong mumbled.

Yeosang sniffled as he leaned into his hyung, still crying and trying to calm down as he hugged him back.

He didn't feel okay, but he knew that Hongjoong was just trying to comfort him on the best way he knows.

Yeosang sobbed in Hongjoong's arms as they just sat on the floor in the living room in the night as everyone else was asleep, and it did feel at least a bit calming.

He slowly closed his eyes after crying for hours, relaxing in Hongjoong's hold and trying his best to just calm down.

Yeosang was worried sick. He really was, but deep inside he knew Jongho is able to get out of that mess.

He has to, after all.

He just relaxed and slowly fell asleep in Hongjoong's arms on the floor, finding at least a little bit of peace in his mess of mind.

Hongjoong smiled as he rubbed his back and pat his hair lightly, letting the male relax on him and just admiring him like a hyung.

He felt bad for Yeosang and also understood his worries, and he really wanted to make him realise there is nothing to be worried about.

Jongho is going to be fine.

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