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Yeosang stopped tossing in the bed once he heard the door of his room open.

He gulped as he stayed quiet and patiently waited for anything to happen. He just sat there and waited.

Yeosang gulped as footsteps neared him and a small scoff was heard as he just kept sitting there in silence.

Suddenly, there was a tug on the blindfold and it was pulled away from his eyes as he squinted them due to the light.

Yeosang blinked lightly as he saw those black shoes in front of him again.

He gulped a bit, not really knowing what to do as he just kept sitting there in shock. Yeosang slowly started to raise his head up.

His eyes ran over those muscular thighs that were covered by the black tight jeans and a button up vest suit over the black button up. Yeosang loved how that vest tightened his shirt a bit and showed off his buff chest.

That man looked gorgeous, no doubt about that, but Yeosang just couldn't bring himself to look up to his eyes and instead just kept staring on his chest.

"You know you can look at me." The man suddenly spoke up in some kind of a amusing tone.

Yeosang gulped. He recognized that voice, it was the same one when he was sitting in front of a club. He knew it was. 

But he just felt scared to look up. Yeosang slowly connected the dots, realizing this man was actually the one who people here call 'boss'. He is that man who owns this place, and Yeosang knew that.

"Come on baby, don't be so cold. I waited for years just to get you to look at me." The man spoke up again, slowly raising his hand up and running it through Yeosang's hair. 

Suddenly, the fear left Yeosang when he heard that nickname. He widened his eyes as he realized what the fuck he just said. 

"Don't fucking call me like that, you weirdo." Yeosang grumbled under his breath. 

The man stopped playing with his hair and instead grabbed Yeosang by the chin and raised him to look up. Yeosang gasped lightly as he did that, widening his eyes as he saw how absolutely beautiful he looked. 

He had a sharp nose and jawline, and he was probably around the same age. Yeosang immediately looked into his cold brown eyes and saw how just cold he looked. 

"Dare to say that again?" He challenged. 

Yeosang was scared, but he decided to ignore it and act like he wasn't shaking inside. 

"What? That you are a fucking weirdo? You literally kidnapped me and you act like nothing ever happened?! You are fucking sick in the head!" Yeosang started yelling at him as he tried jerking out of the handcuffs that were around his wrists. 

The man just stared at him and smirked. Yeosang just stared back at him in disbelief and scoffed. 

"What are you staring at, you damn airhead?! You think I won't escape from you?-" 

"Just fucking try and get away from me, and I can assure you that you can will regret every fucking thing you try." The man cut him off. 

Yeosang just stopped jerking his body and just stared at him. He wasn't smirking anymore, just looking plain pissed as he just stared at Yeosang. He gulped once again. 

"O-Oh yeah? You will what? Spank me and put me in the corner?" Yeosang decided to act like nothing was happening.

The man stared at him for a few seconds before he smirked again and leaned down, face inches away from Yeosang's. 

"I didn't expect you to be into those kind of things, but if that would make you behave, then yes. I will bend you over my lap and spank you until you go numb." The man smirked. 

Yeosang hated it. He hated the fact he blushed when he said that, and he hated the fact he was stuck in here with this damn psychopath when he could be doing so many better things. 

"You fucking psychopath." Yeosang mumbled as he averted his gaze. 

The man smirked as he shook his head. Yeosang swore he never saw a person who looked more sexy than this man, and yet he didn't even know what was his name. 

"Oh baby, you have no idea what I'm capable of doing to you. This is just the start, my love." The man chuckled as he once again started petting Yeosang's head. 

Yeosang started feeling uncomfortable as he heard that nickname again. He gulped as he slowly started to shake at the way of this man was close to him. He looked intimidating, and yet so hot and handsome. 

He moved back, giving Yeosang a clear view of his body as he just stared down at Yeosang who was still trying to jerk his hands out of the hold of handcuffs. He suddenly furrowed his eyebrows as he saw something red. 

"Hey, stop moving your hands. You are going to bleed-"

"Fucking leave me alone!" Yeosang yelled at him.

The man stared at him as Yeosang kept trying and trying before the man pulled out a key out of his back pocket and unlocked the handcuffs. Yeosang sighed as the pain wasn't much before, but before he could even react, the man held his wrists in his hands and rubbed them.

"Look what you did. You are almost bleeding." The man mumbled in distress as he rubbed his wrists. 

Yeosang widened his eyes as he saw how actually concerned this man looked, but that didn't make the situation any less hard on Yeosang.

"I'm fine-" Yeosang mumbled as he tried pulling his wrists back. 

The man shook his head, pulling them back to him and just staring at them. Yeosang didn't know what to do. 

"Don't. Let me help you, okay?" The man mumbled. 

Yeosang gulped as he just allowed him to do whatever he wanted. He was too afraid now to do anything else. 

He suddenly sighed. "Come on. Let's get you downstairs, but first promise me something."

Yeosang looked up to his cold brown eyes again as he held his wrists. 

"Promise me you will behave and not try anything." The man ordered. 

Yeosang shivered, but he acted like nothing was happening. He swore that his heart was beating like a formula one, but he knew he had to stay calm.

"I-I promise."

The man hummed as he helped Yeosang to get up from the bed, careful not to grip his wrists too hard. Yeosang gulped again as he just stood in front of Yeosang and made him look up into his eyes. 

"I knew you would be perfect." The man mumbled. 

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