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Yeosang was worried sick. 

Jongho has been out on work related meetings since morning with Mingi and Hongjoong from what Seonghwa told him, and San apparently went out with Wooyoung had a meal. Yeosang will rip his ear because Woo didn't tell him anything.  

But Jongho? He just left Yeosang after they had sex last night, and Yeosang just felt lost. He felt like Jongho just used him and now he is focusing on work.

Yeosang also knows it isn't truth because Jongho really does care for him. He has shown that a lot of times, but now it just felt empty. 

Yeosang stared at the rain pouring outside as he crossed his hands and tried warming up as he stood under the eaves at the back of the house and watched rain pouring, sighing quietly and not really knowing what to do.

He had Jongho's number, but he didn't pick up. He eventually stopped calling and just gave up and silently hoped he would be back soon. Yeosang wanted to spend time with him since he didn't in the morning. 

Yeosang felt empty, and he also felt worried. It was nighttime and Jongho was still out. He didn't know what to think anymore. Maybe this was normal, but is it really?

Until he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, making him jump in the place lightly.

Yeosang turned around and saw Jongho in his usual work attire, immediately widening his eyes as he saw him and sighing as he relaxed. Jongho looked serious, not smiling even after a few seconds like he normally would. 

Yeosang immediately sensed something was very wrong. 

"Hey, you're finally back." Yeosang smiled. 

Jongho shifted and let out an awkward smile, confusing Yeosang even more. He furrowed his eyebrows as Jongho placed his hands in his pockets. 

"Is everything okay? You look seem..weird."

Jongho sighed after a few seconds, looking down to his feet and rubbing his neck awkwardly. Yeosang didn't know what was happening or what he should say or do.

"My love, I need you to listen to me." Jongho said. 

Yeosang nodded immediately. "Of course, what happened?"

Jongho sighed once again, staying quiet before he took Yeosang's palms into his hold. Yeosang was more than confused, not knowing what he is doing and why was he so weird. Jongho has never been like this. 

Yeosang's nerves felt like they were on the edge as he tightened his hold on Jongho's hand, gulping a bit as Jongho tried finding a way of telling him exactly what he wanted. 

"Jongho, what happened? You're worrying me." Yeosang spoke. 

Jongho shook his head, rubbing his forehead and looking more than stressed. Yeosang was worried sick. 


"Yeosang, I need you to leave." Jongho cut him off. 

Yeosang shut his mouth immediately, standing there in shock as he tried to process what he just said. He shook his head in confusion. 

"What?" Yeosang asked.

Jongho gulped. "Yeah. I know how this sounds, but.."

Yeosang shook his head, still shocked and staring at him in confusion. This guy literally kidnapped him, and now he wants him to leave?

"Jongho, what do you mean?" Yeosang asked as he felt the bitterness raising in his throat. 

He grew attached to Jongho, and after all they did together and went through, he wants him to leave? Yeosang is more than shocked, confused and just sad. He didn't want to leave anymore. He liked it here no matter how much he missed university and Wooyoung.

Jongho took a deep breath. "I can't tell you anything now, baby. Please Yeosang, don't make this harder than it already is. Please, just...leave and don't come back."

Yeosang shook his head as his eyes started to fill with tears. After all these months of him being here and spending time with Jongho and everyone? Jongho wanted him gone now. He didn't want him there anymore. 

He let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes, pulling his hands out of Jongho's hold and sniffling as he looked down to the floor. He couldn't handle this. 

"B-but why? Is it my fault?" Yeosang asked as tears started to roll down his cheeks.

Jongho's heart broke as he watched him cry, but he knew it was for the best. It's better if Yeosang never returns here. 

"No, it's not your fault. It's mine." Jongho mumbled. 

Yeosang sniffled again, bursting in tears as the rain continued to fall. Jongho just watched him and didn't say or do anything. It made things even more horrible. 

"Then say what happened! Why do I have to leave now?!" Yeosang raised his voice. 

Jongho shook his head. "My love, I really can't explain anything now. I promise it's not your fault and that nothing happened-"

"Then why?!" Yeosang yelled now, completely breaking down and crying even harder. 

Jongho didn't reply for a few moments, gulping as he just stared at the male in front of him. He didn't want to let Yeosang go ever, but he really needed to now. There is no other choice. 

He shook his head as he tried not to cry too. He didn't want Yeosang to go now. 

"I can't.." Yeosang mumbled. 

Jongho licked his lips. "Yeosang.."

"No, please.." He sobbed. "Just let me go. I'll pack my things and leave tonight."

Jongho gulped. This was the hardest moment he has ever went through. 

"I just want y-you to know that I really had a lovely time here. I don't want to leave anymore, but I guess we have to go our separate ways now.." Yeosang mumbled as he wiped his tears away.

Jongho shifted. "Yeosang-"

Yeosang sniffled again. "Goodbye Jongho.."

Yeosang turned around and almost ran away back to his room, leaving Jongho there emotionally broken. He knew it was his own fault, but he really needed to let him go now. 

Jongho sobbed as tears started to fall down his own cheeks, not even trying to hide the fact he was crying now. He hated all of this. He hated himself for not being able to protect Yeosang.

Jongho started crying harder now, not being able to hold back and just crying harder and harder. He wanted Yeosang to himself, but now it's all over. 

And if it stays like that, maybe it's for the best for everyone.

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