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Yeosang cheered as he threw his cap away with the rest of the students, yelling loudly with Wooyoung next to him.

It was finally over! He finally graduated university and is now officially a professional dancer just like Wooyoung. He hugged his best friend, laughing as he squeezed him as people congratulated each other.

The pain is finally over. No more sleepless nights and stress, it was finally all done. Yeosang hugged him tightly as they laughed, pulling away as Wooyoung cupped his cheeks and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"We did it!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he giggled.

Yeosang smiled as he nodded, hugging him again.

"It's finally over, Woo. We can finally start our own business just like we wanted to. You remember talking about that?" Yeosang asked.

Wooyoung smiled. Of course he remembers. He remembers everything that him and Yeosang promised to do together, and he is happy that they will be able to finally do it together just like they always dreamed. 

He is so fucking happy. He loved his best friend, and they are finally making their dream come true. 

"I can't wait!" Yeosang exclaimed as he held Wooyoung by his shoulders as they started to walk out of the room with their diplomas and hats in hands. 

Wooyoung smiled. "I also can't. I really want to start teaching people to dance."

Yeosang giggled. It's definitely going to be an experience for both of them, but he is ready and willing to do anything. He is happy that he is sharing this experience with his best friend. 

"Oh?" Wooyoung suddenly said. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he looked forward and saw Jongho standing there with bouquet of red and blue roses in his hand, Yeosang's favorite flowers, as well as a little bag that seemed to hold a jewelry.

Yeosang smiled at the sight. He didn't expect to see them there at all, but he is glad that Jongho came to see him since Yeosang didn't have any family.

"Hello there, handsome." Wooyoung spoke as he approached San who also came, giggling as Yeosang watched them as San gave him an envelope of money and flowers.

Yeosang shook his head as he turned to Jongho, giving him a smile as Wooyoung and San flirted with each other.

"Hey." Jongho said with a small smile.

Yeosang smiled back. "Hey. Thank you for coming, I really appreciate it."

Jongho tilted his head to the side like he was confused, furrowing his eyebrows and just making Yeosang laugh shortly.


"You didn't expect me to come?" Jongho asked. 

Yeosang shrugged his shoulders. "No, to be honest. I just wanted to celebrate with Woo and his family and that's it."

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows before he pushed the flowers that looked very expensive and beautiful to Yeosang, making him take them and shake his head again. 

"First of all, these are your presents. Of course I would come to your graduation. It's a huge accomplishment in life and I know that your family isn't around, so I came to see you and Wooyoung. I feel bad for not being here to see you get the diploma tough." Jongho explained. 

Yeosang felt butterflies in his stomach. He is so glad Jongho is by his side all the time. 

"Thank you so much. Both for the presents and for coming, I really am thankful." Yeosang spoke. 

Jongho smiled, taking a step closer to Yeosang who observed the flowers. He suddenly looked up to Jongho. 

But what Yeosang didn't expect was a small kiss being placed on his cheek. He widened his eyes as Jongho moved away, instead wrapping his arm around Yeosang's waist and pulling him close.

"You're welcome." Jongho mumbled with a small smile. 

Yeosang malfunctioned. It felt like his heart did a aqhbfeivbi kind of thing, like it was going to jump out of his chest because of Jongho publicly kissing him in front of all these people without a care. 

"Stop sucking faces, lovebirds!" Wooyoung suddenly exclaimed as he came to Yeosang and Jongho.

Yeosang rolled his eyes as he turned to Wooyoung, pushing his tongue out playfully and then hugging Jongho. He really didn't care because people were looking at them, instead just letting himself enjoy Jongho. 

"What are you even doing here?" Jongho asked San with a small smirk. 

San shrugged his shoulders. "Came to see this cutie here. He invited me to meet his family, so how could I say no?" 

Jongho laughed as he held Yeosang close to him by the waist.

God, that guy is making him feel insanely good. It wasn't normal anymore. 

"Oh yeah, when is your family even coming? I wanna say hi to your mom." Yeosang asked as Jongho kept holding his waist in his hand as they stood by one another. 

Wooyoung turned around and searched for his family, pursuing his lips as him and San held hands.

"They must be around here. Mom said they watched the ceremony, so I'm guessing she is gonna call me when they manage to get out of there." Wooyoung shrugged. 

"Oh, I think it won't be needed." Yeosang nodded behind them to three people.

Wooyoung's mom, dad and sister were there to see him get a diploma. Wooyoung gasped as he tugged onto San's arm. 

"Come on, I'm going to introduce you to everyone!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he dragged San behind him.

Yeosang laughed as he looked down into the small jewelry box Jongho gave him, giving the flowers back to Jongho to hold and opening the box once he pulled it out from a seemingly very expensive bag.

Yeosang gasped as he saw a small necklace with a pedant in a shape of sun and moon, placed together so the moon was holding sun like one pedant. It looked beautiful, so simple and yet so classy. 

"Jongho, it's beautiful!"

Jongho smiled. "I knew you would like it."

Yeosang almost squealed there. He never got something this expensive, and yet Jongho seemed to love to spoil him even if Yeosang won't allow it.

"Come on, let me help you put it on." Jongho now said as he gave the flowers back to Yeosang to hold. 

Yeosang turned around as Jongho clipped the necklace so it won't fall off his neck, smiling as he saw how good it looked at Yeosang. 

"You look beautiful. I really don't know how are you even real." Jongho said dreamily.

Yeosang giggled as he took a step forward and wrapped his arm around Jongho's shoulders as he held the flowers in the other one. He leaned over and pressed their lips together, kissing Jongho fully on the lips. 

Jongho smiled into the kiss, and a moment later, he pulled Yeosang closer and kissed him deeper without a single care about people around them.

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