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shit intro (was changed but im to lazy to fix)
y/n x regulus black

Y/N evans is lily evans' younger sister. When lily goes off to hogwart y/n and petunia are left at home. Going to non-magical school with non-magical people. Until, y/n gets a letter. Well three. after being forced to go to hogwarts y/n's life changes completely.

Things to know:
You are the youngest. Your birthday is going to be December 28 because I said so. N/N is nickname and Y/n means your name therefore in this you are the main character. Your eye colour is emerald green because of the Evans family genes. Your natural hair colour is brown or red, your choice. h/c means hair colour. DADA is Defence against the dark arts and if a character says it its cuz im too lazy to type it out.

Your male best friends are Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, and Barty Crouch Jr.

Your female best friends are Narcissa Black/Malfoy, Evana Clearwater, and Petunia.

Your enemies are Sirius black, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Lily, Marlene Mckennon, Mary Mcdonald, Dorcas Meddows, Alice Fortescue (tho not rlly she jst friends with lily). bassically all the gryffindors and people lily is friends with.

You were homeschooled as a kid because whenever you got mad your hair would go red and your parents didn't want to bring you to the hospital in case they took you to an asylum. You learned to control it and they let you go to school. when you got your letter you found out you were a metamorphmagus, meaning you can change your appearance at will, that's when you finally felt normal for the most part.

~~~ and *** is a time skip. 99% of the time i will tell you how big the skip was in the first sentence.

The only time I won't show ~~~ or *** is if the skip is in the first sentence of a chapter.

Hair colour meanings

Red: anger silver: sad

blue peaceful/calm 

 white: shock 

 flashing yellow and h/c: excitement 

plain just h/c: numb/depressed/jst murdered an innocent girl/chapter 41

Side note: I did end up making y/n just change her hair to a shade of yellow (I imagine the minecraft bed yellow) to make it easier for me to write but you can imagine whatever you want.

also, please comment loads. makes me feel like people actually like me.

check out my other book The Secret Life Of Regulus Black
its abt reggie living and being in his animagus form (a cat) (aka crookshanks) and helping in the war   

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