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Pov:not one but it's focused on Lily...

She was sitting on her bed in the girls dorm thinking.

She wants to be a healer. She could make you lose your job if she gets it. A voice in her head told her.

Or she could be trying to be an Auror. The second voice said. They require the same classes.

Probably not. She probably wants to outshine her.

She sat thinking.

y/n had a group of friends larger than hers. She had Sirius and Regulus pinning for her. Dorcas once said it would be cool if y/n was in their friend group.

y/n was slowly taking everyone she had.

Dorcas, Sirius, soon she'll probably have the rest of the marauders, then the healer position.

y/n had the looks, the good looking friend group, the best grades, half of the guys at Hogwarts wanted her, Sirius Black for god's sake wanted to date her. He has never dated anyone, it's always flings or snog buddies.

She thought more.

Why? Why did she have everything?

If i had befriended her instead of making her an enemy it would be me in her place instead. She thought to herself.

"Why does she get everything!?!" she yelled to the empty dorm.

End pov

y/n was at the slytherin table eating with Regulus, Evan and Barty (she wasn't speaking with Evana and narcissa wouldn't let her eat alone) when, you'll never believe it, lily walked over.

"What do you want lily?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Hmm, no."


y/n rolled her eyes. "Alright talk."


"No, these are my friends and I don't trust you to not use petrificus totalus on me and slam my hand in a door. So if you want to talk then talk."

She huffed. "Im- uh, I'm sorry?"

WHAT? No this isn't lily turn around this isnt lily! IT'S AN IMPOSTOR!!! A voice in y/n's head told her.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry. I should never have treated you the way I did. I- I was jealous. I envied you, I mean you can change yourself to look however you want. You can make yourself the prettiest girl in school but you don't. It was wrong of me to treat you like that."

"I- Lily, are you sick? Actually you might not be lily." she pulled out her wand. "Revelio." nothing. "Do you need to go to the hospital wing?"

Evan, Barty and Regulus seemed to be thinking along the same lines.

"No, I'm fine. I just wanted to apologise. Maybe I can help you study for the last OWL you have tomorrow."

And with that she walked away leaving the entire hall in silence. Everyone knew about the 'Evens feud' as they called it. There were bets on who would snap first. No one expected this.


Sooo we got some lily stuff. I just wanna say that this is not what lily's like in cannon. 

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