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y/n walked out of the room they were in and regulus immediately started asking questions. "What did she say?", "are you ok?" and, "she didn't hurt you did she?"

y/n kept quiet and walked upstairs and into the room she was staying in before she spoke. "Reg, look, I'm fine. She didn't do anything. She said she knows I'm not Evana's sister and she's ok with it. She's not going to tell anyone."

He visibly relaxed for a moment before what she said sunk in. "she knows you're a muggleborn?!"

His eyes were filled with panic and for a moment y/n wanted to spill everything to him. She wanted to tell him her deepest darkest secrets and exactly what happened with his mom.

Instead she just nodded. "Yes. but she's ok with it," she thought about saying something about her having to get the dark mark but quickly disregarded those thoughts. She knew he would try to talk her out of it. "She said she won't tell anyone as long as I do her a few favours. But," she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

After a moment she pulled away slightly and looked him in the eye. "I'm more than happy to oblige to her requests."

He frowned slightly and she knew that he knew she wasn't going to tell him. She rested her head on his shoulder and they stood there like that for a few minutes.

y/n inhaled deeply and her sinuses were filled with the smell of mint and leather.

She closed her eyes and felt Regulus moving her to the bed and kissing her forehead before she drifted off to sleep.


The next day, Regulus seemed to watch y/n very closely. She knew he was curious about what she and Mrs black spoke about but she couldn't tell him.

Narcissa seemed to know something was wrong but was doing a better job of hiding it.

That day they simply played gobstones and chatted and before they knew it, it was 11 pm. y/n yawned and the three took that as their que to go to bed. Since they had been in Regulus's room, Narcissa said good night and left.

y/n stood up to leave but regulus grabbed her arm.

"Wait, stay. Please." The look on his face alone had her convinced. She nodded and he pulled her into his arms.

The two layed there in eachothers arms for a while in a comfortable silence.

After a moment y/n looked up at him and they locked eyes.

"y/n," regulus spoke softly.

"Regulus?" she spoke just as quietly.

"I think i'm falling in love with you"

"I think I'm falling in love with you too."

He smiled and pulled her into his arms. They fell asleep seconds later.

Enjoy the good stuff while it lasts.

Y/n Evans || The Girl Who Lost it All || regulus black x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now