chapter 9

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They walked through big oak doors into a room with four tables and at least a thousand people.

"When I call your name you will put the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses. Abbot, Henry."


"Black, Narcissa."


"Black, Regulus."


"Clearwater, Evana."


"Desterm, Gildrec."


"Evans, Y/n."

She walked forward and sat on the stool. She felt the hat drop onto her head.

"Hmm, interesting."

She jumped.

"Oh, yes. Maybe."

"What are you maybeing?"

"You're very ambitious, yes. Cutting your hair, and purposefully failing. And all for attention. Cunning as well. Hmm, but you wont fit in. oh, yes. Very well. Don't make me regret this"

"Regret what?"


The entire hall was shocked. But, nonetheless she walked over to the table clad in green and sat next to narcissa.

"Why does everyone look shocked?" she whispered.

"A muggleborn has never been in slytherin."

After the sorting we were led to the common room.

"To get in the password is Salasar. Remember it because no one's going to remind you." the prefect said bluntly

they walked in and he pointed to one set of stairs.

"Girls dorms." he pointed to another set. "Boys dorms. You'll find your stuff is already in there."

she and narcissa walked into the dorm and y/n threw herself at the bed in the corner.

"I claim this bed, it is mine now!" she said and narsicca laughed and took the bed closest to it.

One other girl shared a dorm with them and she said nothing as she took the final bed.

"Hi, I'm y/n." she said, holding out her hand.

"I'm Evana." she said, shaking her hand.

The three talked for a little before going to bed.


The next morning classes started. They had potions first.

"It's a good thing I memorized the potions book over the summer." evana commented as they walked to class.

"Why would you memorise a book we'll take with us everywhere?"

"I was bored." evana said simply. y/n laughed

"My mum made me read all of them once." Narcissa said boredly.

They walked into the classroom and sat at a table together.

"Ok class take out your potions book and open it to page three follow the instructions."

The boil cure potion.

Ingredients: dried Nettles, snake fangs, stewed horned slugs, porcupine quills and Flobberworm Mucus.

After they finished the potion professor Slughorn walked around checking them.

"Ah miss evans! Yours is perfect! Could I give a vile or two to madam Pomfrey?"

"Of course sir." she said, proud of herself.

"Ah of course I expected nothing less than this, your sister is top of my class." and then he walked on.

y/n was glaring at the back of his head. "Your sister is top of the class." she mimicked.

That day every professor seemed to comment something about how lily was the best in every class. It drove y/n mad.

By the end of the day her hair was red.

"y/n, you ok?" Evana asked tentatively.

"I'm fine." she said with her jaw clenched.

She was clearly not fine.

Dinner was quiet and tense for the three.

They went to the library to study.

"Wanna do charms first?" y/n asked, in a much better mood. She had food, how could she not be happy?


So they got out their charms book and started reading about levitation charms.

Evana sat her book on the table and pulled out her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa" nothing happend

y/n pulled out her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa." the book started to float.

"Show off." Evana mumbled jokingly.

They finished their homework then hung out in the common room until 9:30 when they went to bed.

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