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That night y/n had trouble sleeping. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn't sleep.

So giving up she grabbed her book and a pen then walked down into the common room.

Sitting down she opened it and started to read, every now and then she would annotate on it. Around two o'clock she closed her book and went upstairs to sleep.

The next morning.

Transfiguration class

Narcissa, Evana and y/n walked into transfiguration class that day to see everyones names above tables.

"Ah miss black, miss clearwater, miss evans, please find your name, that will be your spot for the year. No negotiating. It is based off of who we think you would work best with"

They groaned and looked around for their names.

Narcissa was put next to a gryffindor Mary Mcdonald, Evana was with Evan Rosier, and y/n was with...

"Regulus Black." she muttered to herself sitting down. Her name disappeared when she sat.

Black walked in a few minutes later with Rosier and Crouch, said hi to narcissa then looked for his name.

He pursed his lips and scrunched his nose up in disgust when he saw it was next to mine.



"Now that you're all here, let's get on with it." She waved her wand and one match was sent to each of us. "You will be tranfiguring this match into a needle, the incantation is Acusignis." Then she sat down.

"Acusignis!" y/n said and after two tries her match was a needle.

"How'd you do that?" She looked over and saw Black looking at her in awe.

"Show me how you're doing it and I'll help you."

"I don't need help from a filthy mudblood."

"Fine, have fun figuring it out yourself."


y/n was very disappointed to see that the only class she wasn't paired up with black was potions, in which she was paired with evan rosier.

"This year is going to be fun." she muttered to herself when she sat down.

Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Aww cheer up evans, you could at least pretend to be happy to see me."

"Class, pull out your books and turn to page 17."

She grabbed her book and opened it to see what they were brewing today.

"Burn cure potion. M'k you get the ingredients out i'll do the rest."

"Okie dokie."

y/n's pov (LE GASP a pov this time)

I used my wand to heat the cauldron while Rosier got the ingredients.

I started measuring the lacewing flies while Rosier was making origami.

About thirty minutes later I got to a part of the instructions where we had to cut rat tails.

'Shit' I thought. Welp, we might as well fail this class cuz there is no way i'm touching rat tails.

Pulling them out I grabbed the knife and closed my eyes.

"What are you doing!?" He grabbed the knife out of my hand. "You're going to cut your finger off."

"I- their- i can't- i'm not good with blood or anything like that."

Huffing he grabbed the cutting board and started gutting them.

End pov

Midknight astronomy tower.

Sitting at the edge of the tower y/n looked up at the stars. She couldn't sleep tonight.

That day the evening prophet announced 100 muggle families dead along with 17 muggleborns.

She was worried one of them was petunia. She didn't think she could live without petunia.

She sat thinking. Was Lily thinking about this too? Or was she just being paranoid? A list of names identifying those found dead would be in the prophet in the morning. She didn't think she could wait till then.

No. She told herself. Petunia's fine.

Then why couldn't she believe it?

She felt guilty. She was so worried about petunia but when she thought about her parents she felt nothing.

It's not your fault. She said to herself. They don't like you, why should you worry about them?

Her thoughts occupied her head all night. She watched the stars and the way they twinkled. She noticed some were coloured while others were white. She tried to count the seconds it took for them to reaper while they twinkled. It was impossible. They appeared too fast.

After a while she tried to find constellations. She found the little dipper. She found Orion's belt. She didn't know any stars in that constellation so she moved onto another. Her eyes landed on one star. It was the brightest star in the leo constellation.


Then her thoughts wandered to her fellow slytherin.

Why does he hate me? She asked herself. Narcissa says it's cuz I'm a muggle born but she's friends with me.

She would make it her mission to befriend him by the end of this year.

The professors only helped her. She had an excuse to speak to him. She and him were partners in nearly every class. It would be weird if they never spoke.

Yes. she would befriend him. That she was determined to do.

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