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y/n sighed, stepping out of the floo into the leaky cauldron.

Things had gone exactly how she expected. Evana wanted nothing to do with her, evan had nothing to say and Barty was too lost in thought.

She made her way up the stairs and to her room. After taking a quick shower she flopped onto the bed in her pyjamas and layed there.

After a while she fell asleep, wishing for nothing but to wake up and find it was a dream and she was still getting ready for the party.


She did not in fact wake to find it was a dream. She did however wake to find she had received her Hogwarts letter.

It was heavier than usual which sparked confusion. She also found an extra two pieces of parchment.

Of course there was the normal list of books and other required objects for the year but she tossed those to the side.

Dear miss evans,

Due to an unexpected relocation of slytherin's previous female prefect you have been selected for the job.

You will be required to meet with the other prefects on the Hogwarts Express where the head girl and boy will explain your duties.

A list of prefects follows

Head boy: james f. Potter
Head girl: lily j. Evans

Fifth year prefects:

Joana f. Philips
Hogan r. Jameson

Marry m. mcDonalds
Amos diggory

Jessie l. Jameson
Arnold a. Aron

Jade m. parkinson
Wulfric f. mulciber

Sixth year prefects:

Dorcas a. Meadowes
Frank n. longbottom

Jacqueline d. Frank
Jesper l. Twine

Marlene f. Mckinnon
Jack d. Finn

y/n m/a. Evans
Vincent s. Crabbe

Seventh year prefects:

Alice l. fortescue
Remus j. Lupin

Amilia f. Cartwright
Bartholomew B. bickins

Mafalda h. Hopkirk
Jefferson l. Lionel

Emmeline f. Vance

Antonin h. Dolohov

She scanned the list and sighed.

Of course. her psychotic bitch of a sister is head girl.

She prayed that Potter was in charge of partnering the prefects, lily would stick her with Dolohov without a second thought.

She pulled out the second pice of parchment and was met with her owl scores.

Passing grades:


Exceeds Expectations


Failing grades:




Transfiguration               O
Potions                               O
Charms                              O

DADA                                  O

Herbology                       O

History of magic           A
Astronomy                     E

COMC                               A

Ancient runes              E

Arithmancy                  O

She looked over her scores and grinned, six outstandings and overall she hadn't failed anything.

She looked at the bottom of the paper where in red ink "congrats on the highest score of the year" was written.

She felt herself beam with pride, simply wishing she could show regulus.

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