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y/n had fallen into a routine. She woke up, ate breakfast, worked at florean fortescues, then the rest of the day was spent wandering through diagon alley.

She was currently walking back and forth between the counter and a few different tables giving people their orders.

The bell chimed telling her someone walked in and the voices that came from them made her groan internally.

She tried to prolong going over as long as possible but after a few minutes she had no choice.she walked over to the table and sent the potter family and sirius a smile.

"Hi, do you know what your order is?"

Sirius looked at her and frowned.

"Why are you working here? I thought you were living with your friend, clearwater." James also looked confused.

"Um, that's not really relevant to your order."

Mr. Potter either didn't care or knew she didn't want to talk about it as he went on to order.

"I'll have a chocolate frog ice cream bowl, James wants the cockroach clusters cone, Sirius wants the peppermint toads bowl, and for Ephumia the strawberry cream and chunks."

She nodded and wrote it down then went to the counter to scoop the ice cream. Once she had everything on the tray she went back to the table and put the ice cream in front of their respective person.

"Anything else I can get you?" she asked, really hoping for a no.

Sadly, the universe wasn't on her side. "Yes, why are you working here?" Sirius persisted.

She sighed, "Vana and I had a disagreement and we needed space ok." She went to walk away but he continued.

"But what about your other friends? They're just letting you live in Diagon alley?"

She huffed and looked around, hoping there was another customer she could go serve but other than them the place was empty.

"They aren't aware I'm here." He looked like he was going to say something else so she quickly changed the subject. "Speaking of 'a were', where's your friend, lupin? Though you guys didn't go anywhere without each other."

He and James gaped, "you know?"

"Yah, but don't worry, only me and reg know and we have no plans of going and telling anyone."

The two older potters seemed confused and she wasn't sure if it was cuz they didn't know or if they were confused by the interaction. Probably a bit of both.

The moment someone else sat down she made her getaway. Relieved that by the time she was done with them the potters and sirius were gone.

After her shift she went back to the leaky cauldron and grabbed the letter from Hogwarts that had the list of things she needed.

She made her way through diagon alley collecting the things the letter listed.

She got her books and got her robes adjusted to her size, then went to the apothecary.

Add to your potions kit:
Sopophorous bean
Sloth brain
Valerian root
Scarab beetles

Armadillo bile
Newt spleens
Horned slugs



Knarl quills


Stewed mandrake

She wandered around, occasionally crabbing the ingredients when she found them. After a few minutes the bell at the door chimed and someone else walked in, she simply continued grabbing the potion ingredients.

She also grabbed ingredients that needed restocking as well as some that just seemed interesting.


She turned around and was almost knocked over by evan.

She laughed, "Was tackling me really necessary?" she asked and he grinned.

"Well I haven't heard from you in weeks! You've not owled."

"Oh, sorry, I've been a bit busy."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed a gar of sloth brain.

"Busy shagging reg?"

Her eyes widened "no!" he laughed and elbowed her.

"C'mon, you can tell me, I'll keep your secret." he chided.

She walked around with him as he grabbed the last of the ingredients and they went to pay. They handed the guy a few gallions and left the store.

"So," Evan started, "I think that we need to join the quidditch team this year."

She raised a brow, "why is that?"

"B'cuz, we both aced flying class in first year and I think we could manage."

She laughed, "okay but has it occurred to you that we've not ridden a broom sense first year?"

"Yeah but my house has a huge yard so we could practise. My parents bought a set of balls too. I think I want to go for beater, maybe keeper."

She thought, "alright, I guess we could try." he grinned.

"And besides, Greg's parents want him to quit quidditch this year for some reason so slytherin is going to need us."

She knew why he had to quit but kept her mouth shut about it.

"So, I've got nothing to do for the rest of the summer so it doesn't really matter when you come over to practice but I think it should be multiple times a week."

She nodded, "Mondays, Wednesdays, and fridays?"

"Perfect! See you tomorrow, you can floo there with its rosier manor." they said their goodbyes and evan headed for the leaky cauldron to floo back. She waited a few minutes before heading there and up to her room.

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