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y/n sighed and stepped into the floo place with her small bag. "Number 12 grimmauld place." she recited. After a few seconds of spinning she stepped out and met Walburga's gaze.

"Ah, good. I trust you packed proper, respectable clothes?"

y/n nodded, "yes ma'am."

Walburga nodded, "Kreacher!" *snap* "show y/n to a guest room." he nodded and she followed him out. He led her down a hall then toward stairs. y/n let out a small gasp, on the walls were tons of dead house elf heads.

How fucking insane must these people be?

She followed him down a hall and he stopped in front of a door, "just here miss." and with that he left. She looked around and a few doors down there was a sigh on the door. She walked up to it silently.

Do not enter without the explicit permission of

Regulus Arcturus Black

She smiled at his handwriting from years ago, which was much better now, before backing away and going to the door kreacher had stopped at moments before.

She opened the door and was met with a lot of black and green. The walls were grey, bed sheets and drapes were green but all the rest was black.

On the bed was a note.

You are to stay in this room till I come fetch you, kreacher will bring food.

I don't want Regulus to know you're here yet.

She sighed and grabbed a book from her bag.

~~~(two days later)~~~

There was a snap and in front of her kreacher appeared. "Mistress said to inform you that the dark lord will be here in three hours and you need to get ready." and with that, he left.

She grabbed a towel and hopped in the shower

She lets her thoughts take over and she struggles to get her back.

I'm going to be a death eater. I'm going to have to hurt people.

She finished up and hopped out, putting on the outfit that she found on the bed.

After a few minutes walburga walked in. "He's ready." y/n nodded and followed her towards the tea room.

They walked in and y/n's eyes fell on Regulus whose teeth were grit in pain as he clutched his arm. His head shot up when she walked in and his eyes widened.

"y/n! No, what are you-!"

"Silence!" a tall, bald man with bluish white skin and no nose stood near the table. He walked over to y/n, "come, sit." He gestured to a chair next to regulus. She nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Regulus whispered to her.

She sent him a small look but tried to keep her eyes on who she assumed to be voldemort.

"y/n clearwater. I hear your top of your class, and a metamorphmagus. Very useful. And walburga speaks highly of you." he studied her carefully. She sat with perfect posture and held her head high, not breaking eye contact.

After a few seconds he walked up to her. "Roll up your left sleeve." She did so and he touched his wand to her arm and muttered a spell. A sharp burning pain took over her arm and continued getting worse and worse.

Her eyes started watering and she clenched her jaw. She heard him walk away and a few seconds later she opened her eyes. There was a big black mark on her arm, the same snake and skull that was in the prophet.

She looked over at regulus. His head was down and he was glaring at the table, there was a pained look in his eye and he looked seconds away from breaking down in tears.

Voldemort started speaking but y/n wasn't listening. A second later people started clearing out, he left as well.

Soon it was just y/n and regulus.

After a few seconds of silence, Regulus looked at her, tears in his eyes.

"Why?" his voice cracked. "Why? Why are you- i- how?"

"I-" she started but he spoke again.

"And don't you dare lie."

"I wasn't going to." she thought about how she was going to word her sentence. "When your mother asked to speak to me she, she said that i had to get the dark mark otherwise she was going to out the fact that i'm not pureblood and- and i knew it would instantly make me a target and i-." she broke off.

After a second he stood up and pulled her into his arms.

After a second he spoke. "You said you were happy to oblige to her requests. Wh- why? What else did she want?"

y/n pondered telling him the rest but she didn't think it would be wise to do that and risk everything.

"I just, I didn't want you to worry." a half truth. But it would work.

They made their way upstairs and he led her into his room. He held her in his arms as they fell asleep.

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