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"There's only a week left till summer, I don't really like the idea of you guys getting together in front of his parents so you need to do something soon or wait till September first."

"Yeah but what if he doesn't like me?"

"We have been over this many times. He has liked you for longer than he cared to admit."

"Ok so go over the plan again."

"We found the boys. I tell Evan and Barty I need their help, leaving you with regulus, then you ask him out."

"Right. Ok I'm ready."

They found them out by the tree.

"Hey boys, Evan, Barty, I need your help with something." she nodded her head towards y/n and they seemed to understand immediately.

"Yes!" they muttered under their breath.

They walked away and Regulus raised an eyebrow.

"Can we talk?"

"Uh sure." They walked over to the lake and sat down.

"I-" she took a deep breath. "Reg, I really like you. Like more than I've ever liked anyone and I was hoping we could go out. And- i- like over the summer maybe but if not that's fine to but-"

He kissed her, cutting off her sentence. "Yes. please yes." She smiled and went back in for a kiss. His hands cupped her face and after a few seconds they broke apart. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you." he said and she let out a laugh.

She was glowing on her way back to the girls' dorm.

Walking in she threw herself at her bed in the corner and screamed into her pillow.

"What happened?" Vana asked, looking highly concerned when she stopped screaming.


Vana started screaming as well.

Cissa walked in and started screaming. The three of them were jumping around screaming for three minutes before they fell onto n/n's bed.

"What were we screaming about?" Cissa asked.

y/n and Vana broke out laughing.

"Y/n and Regulus kissed!"


"Yeah, I told him I liked him and he kissed me!"


"Woah woah woah! Slow your roll. We haven't even gone on a date."

"I'm just planning ahead."

"Oh my god." y/n said face palming.

The three talked in the dorm for the rest of the day (y/n flushing more often then she cared to admit).

Its finally happend!!!!

Y/n Evans || The Girl Who Lost it All || regulus black x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now