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The OWLs were finally done and there was a hogsmeade day for 5th and 7th years.

y/n put on a black hoodie and some jeans then went to the doors of the great hall to meet sirius.

"Hello m'lady."

"Let's get this over with." she said then walked outside.

They took a carriage to hogsmeade as it was a long walk.

"Where to first?" Sirius asked her.

"I don't care."

"Madam puddifoots-"

"No. That will get you smacked till you can't breathe, then shoved in Filch's bathroom with your wand snapped and the door locked from the outside. I will never step foot in that place."

"Okay." he said, chuckling nervously. "three broomsticks?"


He orders them a butterbeer and y/n sat really hating her life's decisions.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look like you're fine."

She took a deep breath. "Look sirius, i only said yes to this because i hoped you would realise i don't like you that way then leave me be."

"Oh." There was a short moment of silence. "You like regulus don't you." it wasn't a question, he was simply putting it out there. If she didn't answer it then he would get his answer, if she did he might not believe one of them.

"Wha- no- i- he's not- i don't-"

"Thought so." he smiled sadly "You should tell him." he said then got up and left.

I do not like regulus. He is my best friend. Nothing more.

She told herself that over and over again. But she didn't care to admit how well she believed it.

She got up, walked out and went to honeydukes. She found Evana next to the sugar quills.


"Wha- oh, hey. I thought you weren't talking to me."

"I'm sorry. I- can we go back to the dorm and talk later, instead of meeting the boys under the tree?"

"Yeah sure."


After hogsmeade y/n and Evana went to the dorm.

"You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, do I like regulus?"

"Uhm, i don't know, do you?"

"Ugh, i dont know! everyone is saying he likes me and that they can 'see it in my eyes' that I like him."

"Well, do you?"

"I dont know! hes regulus, he knows more about me than anyone and hes my best friend, and i would do literally anything for him."

evana thought for a moment "Okay... i'm going to say a few names and after i say it just say the first thing that comes to your mind... Sirius."


She snickered. "Lily."

"Bitch in disguise."

"James potter"

"Won the award for most oblivious gryffindor."


"He got drunk and said you were hot in 4th year."


"Shit he's gonna kill me. Uhm, he's liked you since 3rd year."

She walked out of the dorm and y/n followed her up the stairs to the boys dorm and she pounded on it.

Barty opened the door but she just shoved passed him went straight to Evan and kissed him.

The entire room was silent.

She pulled away then grabbed y/n by the back of her shirt and pulled her out.

She dragged y/n back to the girls dorm then sat on her bed.


"I- what?"

"First thing you think of. Barty."

"He's a brother to me."


"i-" she paused. aparently that wasnt allowed because evana promptly got up smiling.

"you like him! your finnaly realizing it!"

y/n frowned.

"whats wrong?"

"its just, i cant like him."

evana frowned. "why not?" 

"cuz, i-, say we get together, what if it doesnt work out? hes my best friend and it would ruin our friendship. and, i- i odnt think i can live without him."

evana sighed. "y/n, regulus has liked you for years, trust me, he would rather live the rest of his life under the cruciatas curse that hurt you."

This was so fun writing and I don't know why. But, Evan x Evana. Do you ship it? We need a name for them. Have to use last names bcs their first name would literally jst be one of their names. Roseir and clearwater. Rosewater maybe?

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