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y/n and evan spent the day practising, by the end of the day they both wanted nothing but to lie down and never get up. They returned the balls and brooms to the small shed and y/n went back to the leaky cauldron.

It continued like that for months, they would run laps around the yard, which she still didn't know where it ended, then they'd fly a few laps before finally getting the balls out. She had gotten pretty good at dodging the bludgers he sent her way, he had gotten good at aiming them too.

Currently they were putting the brooms up, "oh, my older cousin is coming over next week, says he's got important news and talked the whole family into throwing one of the famous pureblood parties. Mum says i should invite my friends, i've owled cissa and reg, could you tell vana?"

She tensed up and he noticed. "What?"

"Uhm, she and I aren't really speaking."

He frowned, "but you live with her."

"Uhm," she spoke carefully. "Not technically."

He looked at her. "What?"

She sighed, "well, we had an argument and she kicked me out. I've been staying at the leaky cauldron and working at Florean fortecues."

His frown deepened. "Why haven't you said anything? You do realise that you can legally live alone till you're 17."

"Well, no one said anything yet. And i didnt say anything because I actually enjoy it. I get to work in a place filled with ice cream and then I can wander around diagon Alley all day or I can sit in flourish and blotts reading."

He looked like he wanted to further argue but the look on her face told him she wasn't going to listen. He sighed, "fine, ill owl her, you just have to show up. Please. And if it helps, my cousin played quidditch and can probably give us some tips. He also is a good person. Doesnt support you-know-who, though he doesn't tell our family that."

She relented, nodding. "Okay, fine."

He grinned, "perfect, i'll send you a dress, or, my mom will. I don't know what kind of event this will be. Or how to pick dresses."

"Perfect, gotta go though, the leaky cauldron had a curfew for everyone under the age of 17." he nodded and she ran in, to the floo.


A week passed and an owl appeared at the window of her room in the l.c.

'In the parcel in your dress, the party is in two days. Remember, you're a clearwater, you're with regulus, you and vana better be able to get your shit together for the night.'

She opened the parcel and a beautiful black/grey dress with silver/grey designs, it was an almost watery texture, acromantula silk.

A small gasp left her mouth at the sight and she smiled. It was better than the one she wore over christmas.

She sat it back down nicely and put the box on the small desk in the corner of the room.


y/n stood in front of the mirror trying to figure out what to do with her hair. She had to be at evan's in an hour.

She thought for a minute of what would go well with her dress. She grew her hair out long and made it a silver-grey. She put her hair up into a pony and added black and gold flower clips.

Pleased with her appearance she slipped the dress on.


she quickly put a concealment charm on the dreaded mark on her arm and continued as if it werent there.

She did a quick simple makeup look and sat and read for about thirty minutes till he had to go.

The floo was closed off because Mr. and mrs. Rosier didn't want anyone coming through there so she went and signalled the night bus.

The ride was quick, there were many people outside the manor and y/n carefully made her way through the crowd.

Once she was inside a few people looked at her and admired her dress. She ignored them and looked around, trying to find any one of her friends.

She finally saw Barty and went over to him.

"Hey," she said, walking up behind him.

"Merlin's holy third tit!" he jumped, "you scarred me, god! Make a noise."

He looked her up and down and whittled, "niiice," he did a little twirl, showing off his suit. what do you think?"

"Very snazzy." she nodded. "You seen anyone else?"

"Nah, I just got here like ten minutes before you."

They looked around to find anyone they knew. y/n spotted walburga and knew reg would be somewhere around. Yep, sure as shit there he was, standing not too far from his parents.

"There's reg," she nodded in his direction and started walking over, barty following.

His back was to them so when they approached walburga was the only one to see them.

"y/n, lovely to see you again." she said with the fakest of smiles. Or maybe it was real. Either way, it looked like shit.

Reg spun around to see her and his eyes widened. He looked her up and down, his eyes showing nothing but love and awe.

her hair:

her hair:

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(link for her dress will be in comments asap)

After a moment he stepped forward, pulling her into a hug, "you look absolutely beautiful." he muttered into her hair.

"Thanks, you look great."

They pulled away and y/n noticed neither of his parents were in sight. 


About an hour in, Cissa and evan had joined them, a few minutes later Evana had shown up, she and y/n didn't utter a word to each other but threw on pleasant smiles when necessary.

A little into the night someone ran up to the front of the room.

They cast the sonorous spell and got everyone's attention.

"That's my cousin," Evan whispered.

She nodded and they all looked to him

"Hi everyone, uh, have some big news, Daphine Pickard and I are officially engaged." a beautiful girl with long blond hair walked up next to him and looped her arm through his.

About thirty minutes later slow music started playing. multiple couples began dancing. y/n saw a rather unhappy narcissa being pulled to dance by lucious.

Regulus came up to her, "will you dance with me?" he asked with a smile.

"I'd love to." she smiled back at him and they walked out towards the middle of the room.

His hands went around her waist and hers around his neck.

She rested her head on his chest as they swayed back and forth with the music.

"I love you." he mumbled into her hair, it was quiet, almost silent, as if he didnt want even her to hear it.

"I love you too." she responded, a smile gracing her lips.

Y/n Evans || The Girl Who Lost it All || regulus black x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now