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WARNING! Mentions of rap3e. Not much, they just talk abt it a little bit.

Narcissa's house was... dark. But not in the 'oh i can't see' kind of way. No, there was loads of light. This place gave y/n chills. It was dark in the 'shit these people could kill me with a glance' kind of way.

When they got there Cissa's mum, Mrs. black, called for the house elf, midget, and had him show y/n to her room.

It was decently sized with a large four-poster bed in the middle. The drapes were, as expected, green. The wall's were black and one had a portrait of a stern looking witch who was watching her curiously.

She simply ignored it and sat on the bed reading Hogwarts: A history.

Though that didn't last long as cissa and reg walked in.

"Hey, you've been really weird all day, what's wrong?" reg asked, sitting down next to her and pulling her into a hug.

"Nothing." she said, trying to sound casual.

"It's not nothing. You didn't eat anything at lunch or dinner last night or anything at breakfast except a piece of toast and nothing on the train." Cissa said, worry clear on her face.

"I- '' y/n stopped. She tried to take a deep breath but it felt like her lungs stopped working. "I- I-"

"Shit. y/n, i need you to breathe for me love, breathe." Regulus pulled her into his chest. "Focus on my heartbeat and breathe."

After she had calmed down there was a short silence.

"I- i'll tell reg. But only reg."

Cissa sighed but left the room all the same.

There was a short silence

"In the summer before 4th year, Petunia and I went over to her b-boyfriend's house. She ended up going to the store to get stuff to cook leaving me with him. Shortly a-after she left h-he dragged me down into the basement a-and h-he" she broke off and started crying.

"Hey, y/n. Breathe. C'mon, it's ok. What did he do?"

"H-he f-forced m-me to s-sit there and h-he r-rap3d m-me. When he l-left I broke the window and ran."

Regulus pulled her into him and held her for a few minutes.

"Petunia doesn't know about what happened."

"It's ok. He's not here."

After a few minutes Narcissa came back in.

"My parents want you down there y/n."

"Oh, alright." she whipped her eyes and fixed her clothes. She went down and sat at the table.

"Narcissa tells me you're in a relationship with Regulus, is this true?"

"uhm, Yes ma'am."

"How long?"

"Just a few days."

"And how long have you and Narcissa been acquaintances?"

"Since first year."

"Who else do you speak with?"

"Evan Rosier, Bartemius Crouch jr. and my sister, Evana."

"Your grades?"

"Top of all my classes."

"Plans for after hogwarts?"

"Either a healer or an auror."

"An auror?"

"I figured it's a decent way to get a high place in the ministry. If I start as an auror I'll have a good influence." she explained.

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