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The next few months were normal. They went to class, pranked McGonagall, the marauders and slughorn. They hung out under the tree on the weekends and y/n drew.

Until, that is, OWLs -Ordinary Wizarding Levels- came around.

y/n, Evana, and Narcissa were spending every second studying. They spent 99% of the day in the library. Regulus, Evan, Barty and the rest of the school knew not to bother them. They hexed a first year for asking them to grab a book from the top shelf. The first year was in the hospital wing for a week. Anyone who so much as breathed near them they snapped at. So, you can imagine how nervous Regulus and Evan were when Barty was sent to the hospital wing. They were getting less and less approachable.

So here they stood, in the library, behind the girls who had surrounded themselves with books.

"Uhm.." Evan started.

Regulus cleared his throat. "Ahem."

"Do you need a cough drop because I can promise you, you will if you don't shut up." Y/n snapped, not looking up from her book.

"No no no, uh Evan just thought." Even elbowed him. "Evan and I thought you guys could use a break. My cousin Andromeda has a daughter who just turned four. And it's a hogsmeade weekend so we could floo there."

There was a short silence.

"No." the three girls courusd at the same time.

"But you never stop studying and next week we have to meet with Slughorn to talk about what we want to do after Hogwarts so we know what classes to take and this might be the only chance of relaxation until after OWLs!" But that was a mistake. He got too loud.

"Out! Get out! Honestly! This is a library!" The three girls glared daggers at him as they packed up their stuff and left. They ignored them the rest of the month. Going so far as to put up a charm to block out all noise from around them.

Don't kill me its short!!! Sry is i missed an update. I no longer have any idea of what day it is. Jst decided that posting will from now on be random. love u. <3

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