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"Miss Evans! Yes, come in! Sit, sit."

It was career counselling day and y/n had just gotten to Slughorn's office.

"Hello sir."

"So we're here to talk about what you want to do after Hogwarts and what classes you'll need to do it. Have you put thought into what you want to do?"

"Yes, I was thinking of either an Auror or a Healer."

"Ahh, I knew I could expect great things from you." he started.

Yea, real great things, so that's why you didn't invite me into your special people club. She thought sourly.

"Now, you need the same classes for both of those. Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms are the required classes. You are allowed to take more than that although we don't recommend it."

Grabbing out a notebook (it's a muggle thing) and a pen (another thing muggles use) she wrote down the classes along with ancient runes and arithmancy.

"Is that all professor?"

"Yes you may go."

She walked to the library and went back to studying, not noticing the redhead watching her...


And we'll be ending this chapter on that very ominous note.

also, holy shit. there a a few readers in irland and tiwan. never thought that this would be read be people from that far away. also, im sorry if i spellled those wrong, i jst woke up.

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