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She and many other people in robes stood in a circle, she looked down and found she was also wearing similar black robes. She realised quickly that this was a death eater meeting. She lowered her wand and looked around.

She saw Bellatrix and Lucius speaking in whispers and the same with a few others. She saw regulus standing near them.

"My friends, please, sit." a raspy voice rang out. She and the rest of the death eaters walked towards the long table in the room and sat. as she approached the table something clicked.

They were in Malfoy manor.

"Now, I have good news," Voldemort spoke and everyone looked up to him. He sat at the head of the table. He was bald and a blu-ish grey. His features turned rather snake-like. "Our meeting we accepted new followers with open arms. Today, we are going to initiate them."

She felt her insides sink as he spoke, she looked around and saw Bellatrix grinning in excitement. He continued.

"But before we leave, I'd like to discuss the subject of school. Two of our members are still in hogwarts and we won't be putting missions on hold for them, as you know, it's impossible to apparate in and out of hogwarts, it is not however, impossible to apparate in and out of hogsmeade, most of our missions will be held on hogsmeade weekends for this reason. Don't fret, we will still go out other days, I don't want to take the fun away from everyone."

She thought he was done but as he began to speak again she quickly found she was wrong.

"Now, afterwards we will all meet here. I won't be attending this mission as i've a meeting with another family but afterwards, prepare to welcome new members. Bella, you know the plan, you're in charge in my absence." he stood and left.

Bellatrix stood up and weaved her wand. On the table lay the schematics of an old mansion. "This is the home of an old muggle family. There are five children, two grandchildren and an elderly couple. Reggie, y/n you have to kill the grandchildren. The rest of you can do as you wish."

She pointed at a spot on the parchment, "this is the tower the kids sleep in."

y/n swallowed a lump in her throat and stood up with everyone else. Lusius walked over to her, grabbed her arm and apparated them away.

She opened her eyes to see multiple different towers and buildings, all surrounded by acres of forest. She looked to her left and saw Regulus come in with Bellatrix and many others all appear with a slight 'pop'.

y/n walked forward, wand drawn, hating herself for what she has to do. She felt regulus walking with a decent sized gap between them.

After a moment or two they reached the door and walked in, there were tons of stairs leading up.

"Regulus, please, i don't know what-"

"Why are you acting like you don't know what you did?!"

"Because I don't! I went to the bathroom and the minute I came out you broke up with me! I don't have a clue what I did!"

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her. "You fucking cheated on me!"

She frowned and looked at him in shock. "What? Where'd you get that idea?"

He scoffed, she could see the hurt in his eyes.

"I heard you in there, the door was shaking around a bunch, and my cousin saw you go in with someone."

She frowned, growing more confused by the second.

"Reg-" he cut her off.

"Shut up."

Y/n Evans || The Girl Who Lost it All || regulus black x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now