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Another update!? wow, and here i was thinking i couldn't be more impatent.
enjoy. comment. plz. im bored and have no life.

y/n was in the library studying when lily walked up to her.


She went ignored.


She held up a finger to signal for one minute.

"Yes?" she said after marking her page.

"I- I was hoping we could catch up?"

"Oh uh maybe after OWLs. I need to study."

"Yeah sure."

And she went back to her book.





She huffed. "What?"

"Do you like sirius?"

"I- what? No! He's an arrogant arshole who needs to learn to respect other people."




"Do you like sirius!?"

"No no no no no! No. It's just, he was going on and on about the colour of your eye and how the shade changes with your mood the other day."


"Yeah. he just has been really sad lately cuz you like regulus. I was just checking."

"I like who!?"



"I do not! He's- he's like my brother!"

"He seems to feel different."

y/n sat in silence before going back to her book.

Pov: lily.

That should distract her. She would be so busy thinking of this that she'll fail charms. Now I don't need to put up with her.

End pov.



She had been avoiding regulus since yesterday. so naturally, the whole school knew something was up. She turned a corner and slipped into a secret passageway she found in second year.

She walked on for a while and when she got to the end she came out of the trunk of a tree.

From there she walked to the tree her group always sat at and joined Barty and Evan.

"Hey." she said sitting down.

"Hey, regs looking for you."

"Clearly not hard enough."

Barty snickered.

"He said you've been avoiding him since lily came."

"No, I've just been preoccupied."


She turned around to see Sirius running up to them.

"God damn these black brothers are going to be the death of me." she muttered.

"y/n, can i talk to you?"

"Uh" if he's asking me out i can say yes. It will get regulus off my back. "Sure."

He looked shocked but quickly recovered.

They walked a little ways away from Evan and Barty.

"Ok, so, uh, will you accompany me to hogsmeade after your OWLs are done? On a date."

She sighed. "Sure."

"Oh ok- wait really?!"


And with that she walked back to Evan and Barty.

"What did he want?"

"He asked me out."

"oof..." he turned around to look at sirius. "Why didn't you hex him?"

"Cuz I said yes."



"Maybe." she muttered to herself. "I gotta go study. Bye."

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