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She owled back a list of the classes she wished to continue (Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, DADA, Herbology, care of magical creatures, and Ancient Runes) and went shopping for her school supplies.

She tried to push Regulus to the back of her mind, she didn't need him hindering her daily life.

Today Mr Fortescue had some things to do in Rome and left a note saying he'd be gone for the week and she was in charge but his niece would be there around noon to help.

She knew his niece, sort of. Alice fortecue. She was one of Lily's friends but from what she knew of the girl was pretty nice.

She currently stood behind the counter putting ice cream into cones for a group of thirteen year olds who were bragging about starting third year.

"Here you go," she said, handing then to the students.

"Hey, you're in sixth year right?" one of the girls asked her.

"Yeah that's what i'll be starting." she said as she wiped down a table near theirs.

"What's hogsmeade like?"

"Ehh, it's ok, after going there every year it gets kinda boring but the first few times are amazing. One mistake that you don't want to make is going to the three broomsticks first, go to honey dukes because if you wait all the good candy will be gone." they seemed to take her advice very seriously so she decided to use it to her advantage. "But, if you do go to honey dukes first, you should go up to the counter and say you want an S.A.P. they'll give you a packet of red lollies and they're amazing, not many know about these though so don't tell anyone." she walked back to the counter grinning.

Yes they'll get red lollies, but not the kind they're expecting. S.A.P. is code for spicy acid pops. It was a trick most slytherins played on unexpecting third years, one she did not fall for because Barty got to it first. There was a hole in his tongue for a week.

She continued working on her own till twelve when a girl with short brown hair walked in and pulled on an apron.

She smiled and held her hand out to shake, "im alice,"

"y/n" she shook the older girl's hand.

"So, what can I help with? My uncle said you knew how things worked around here and could show me."

"Uh, well you can work the counter, people come up, order, you scoop it and they pay you. I'll do the tables, I take the orders and you scoop them. I'll bring them out. If there's a bunch of orders and not many customers that haven't ordered, I'll help scoop."

"Alright." y/n went to go back to work but she stopped her. "Hey, your lily's sister right?"

"Uhm, we are related through blood but she has never been my sister."

She walked over to a table to take someone's order before she could be questioned more.

~~~ end of the day as their cleaning up ~~~

"y/n," Alice spoke up through the silence. "Why don't you and Lily get along?"

She sighed, "im not surprised she didnt tell anyone, didnt want people to know shes a fucking bitch." she looked shocked at the choice of words but y/n just continued flipping chairs onto the tables.

"I'm a metamorphmagus, our entire childhood she made it very clear that I was a freak who didn't deserve to live. When she found out she was a witch, Petunia gave her a taste of her own medicine and called her a freak. Lily didn't like it and came complaining to me because me and petunia were close and when i refused to tell petunia to stop she got worse. Next thing I know our parents only care about her, petunia and I were no more important than the ants crawling on the side of the road. It didn't change when I got accepted into hogwarts. The only difference was I begged not to go so Petunia still liked me." she sighed and began sweeping as Alice wiped down the counters and closed the ice cream.

"I didn't only get accepted into hogwarts. I also got into Koldovstoretz and Castelobruxo. I didn't want to go to any of them but they forced me to go to hogwarts. On the train she knocked me out and slammed my hand into a compartment door. I was there for hours before narcissa found me and got a prefect to help."

Alice looked shocked and a little startled. "Wow, I never would have guessed, she's always been super kind and we just thought you had done something wrong to her."

y/n just shrugged and took off her aprion, washed her hands and left. Once she sat down on her bed her arm suddenly started burning and she was transported somewhere, she pulled her wand out and looked around.

Y/n Evans || The Girl Who Lost it All || regulus black x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now