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y/n went to the bathroom and when she tried to leave the door wouldn't budge.

"Fuck." she muttered. She continued pushing on the door.

After about ten minutes the door opened and she stood there confused. Frowning and shrugging it off she left the bathroom.

As she entered the main room she felt eyes boring a hole into her, she looked around to find regulus fuming. She frowned and went up to him.

"Hey, what's wrong," she asked, concerned. He just scoffed and pushed past her.

She stood there confused.

"Reg, wait," she ran up and grabbed his arm. There were a few people looking but she ignored them.

He yanked his arm out of her graped and after a moment of her trying to get him to look at her he finally did.

"Reggie, what's wrong? Did I do something?" she asked, worried and concerned in her voice.

He scoffed once more. "You think you can just do something like that and act like everythings ok?" his eyes were filled with anger and hurt.

"Do what?" she wasn't sure what he was talking about but it was taking everything in her not to combust into a puddle of tears.

He scoffed once more, "like you dont know. I'm done, we're done." with that he walked away. y/n was losing the battle with her tears. she looked around and locked eyes with walburga, she sent her a questioning look and she shrugged, equally confused.

After a moment walburga had found orion and the two fetched regulus and left. y/n had given up on stopping her tears.

Evana, Barty, evan and narcissa were with her.

"Are you alright?"

"What happened?"

"Whys he mad?"

"I- i dont k-know." she choked out.

"Here, let's go upstairs," evan pulled her out of the room and led her to one of the many spare bedrooms.

He sat her down on the bed and the rest of them sat around her.

"H-he broke up with m-m-me." she managed to speak through her tears. "I don't ev-ven know why."

Barty pulled her into a hug and held her. After about half an hour she fell asleep. They all layed there, one by one sleep overtaking their minds, temporarily taking the place of the worry for their friends.


y/n woke up, red eyes and the first thing she remembered was the previous night's events.

A quiet sob left her mouth.

Her shoulders shook as she began to cry silently.

What did I do?

His eyes showed pure hatred.

He looked at me with hatred.

He hates me.

He hates me

He hates me.

He hates me.

Those words continued to repeat in her mind for hours.

He hates me.

she didn't move. Not when evan tried to get her to eat. Not when Barty tried to convince her to clean up.

He hates me.

Narcissa had to leave, her parents were mad enough she had stayed over the night.

He hates me.

Evana sat silently in a chair in the corner of the room. Even if they weren't currently speaking she was still worried for her friend.

He hates me.

Barty left, something about an owl and 'simply ridiculous.' She wasn't paying much attention to him. Or anyone.

He hates me.

After a while evan came in looking confused.

"y/n, there's an owl from regs mum. For you." Everyone in the room looked at her as she grabbed the letter from him.

Taking a shaky breath and pulling herself back to the present she opened the letter.

Regulus refuses to speak about what happened.
I hope I don't need to remind you of our agreement.

Barty frowned, having read over her shoulder.

"What does she mean 'your agreement'?"

They all looked at her, equally curious.

"Uhm. nothing." she brushed it off. Not wanting to have this conversation.

Evana scoffed, "dont fucking lie. I'm tired of it. This is proof you're hiding something and I swear if you haven't told at least one of us within an hour you can consider our friendship over. I'm not going to be friends with someone who's been lying and keeping secrets from me for almost two months."

After she finished evan and barty had huge frowns on their faces and were looking between the two confused.

"Evane," she started, "I wish I could tell you. I really do but I can't. I tell you and you could be killed, worse."

"What the hell could you have done that was so bad?!"

Without thinking she grabbed her wand and removed the concealment charm from her arm.

"This!" she shouted, "this is what i did that was so bad!"

The room fell into a thick silence.

"I-.. walburga found out i wasn't pureblood. She said she'd keep the secret and help me if I did two things. She made me get the mark. Reg has it as well." her voice was almost silent, but in the quiet room they all heard it.

"What was the other thing?" Barty broke the silence.


"What was the other thing? You said she wanted two things."

She took a deep breath and responded. "I have to marry Reg after hogwarts. I guess she thought it would make him happy and she didn't want him to be forced into a marriage like she was." Evan looked as though he wanted to make a joke but stayed silent. Barty was frowning and Evana stayed silent.

That was how they sat the next few hours.

Despite the tension in the roon her mind still managed to fill her thoughts with something else.

He hates me.

sooooooooo i may or may not have gone the wrong direction with things. erm. yah so happy monday : )

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