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!WARNING!: flashbacks, r@p3, self harm. If this is going to make you uncomfortable please skip. Please remember this isn't canon. This isn't how the characters are in the books. at bottom i will summerize the chapter for those who dont want to read this

y/n stormed out of the great hall aware of the stares she was getting.

She made her way to the astronomy tower.

Her mind went to the summer before fourth year.

Flashback starts. R@p3 warning.

"No! Please! Stop!"

"Shut up. We're doing this my way."

Tears were pouring down y/n's face as Vernon dursley forced himself upon her.

"N-no! Please! I want to go home!"


He tied her wrists to the bed post and put a sock in her mouth.

She couldn't get away.


"I'll be back. Stay here. Don't ever speak of this to anyone."

He walked out, leaving her sitting there, tear stains on her face and shaking. She got up and looked around. There was a window. She saw a bat in the corner of the room and grabbed it. She smashed the window and started climbing out.

"STOP! You get back here now!!"

She made a run for it the minute her legs were out.

Y/n ran to the road and held her arm out for the night bus.

End flashback and r@p3.

y/n realised she had tears on her face and quickly whipped them away.

She stood up and took a shaky breath then started towards the passageway behind a mirror. This one the marauders knew about so there was a chance they would be in there but she could just threaten them and they'd leave.

Opening the mirror she walked a little ways in before sitting down.

She opened her bag and reached in for her potions kit. It has a silver dagger in it.

Self harm starts.

Y/n grabbed the dagger and put it to her wrist.

It hurt. She moved it to a different spot and cut again. She could smell the blood from her wrist.

The dagger was charmed so it would leave permanent scars.

She repeated the process on her other wrist.

End self harm.

She pulled down her sleeve and walked back to the common room

"Where were you!?" Regulus said, pulling her into a hug the minute she walked into the common room.

"Astronomy tower." She half lied. "I gotta go make sure I've got everything packed, we're going home tomorrow." she said and walked up to the girls dorm.

She spent the rest of the day up there in her bed with a muffliato charm up and a locking cham on her curtains as she cried.

KAY, so, she goes to the astonamy tower and flashback starts, vernon dursly r@p3's her, end flashback, she moves to a hidden passage way and cuts herself with a silver dagger and those ones perminantly scar for those who dont know (idk abt irl but in the potter world). she goes to the common room, tell reg she was just at the astronamy tower and then breaks down in tears in her dorm on her bed.

so rlly its jst a lot of bad stuff. sry abt this chapter but i felt like she needed some trama and i recently re-read The Lovely Bones.

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