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"UGH i'm so glad it's over!"

"Not yet cissa, we still have DADA and charms OWLs then were free."

"It's basically over." Vana said, already opening a chocolate frog.

They had just walked out of the transfiguration exam and were sitting under their tree.

"I've got a muggle studies exam as well." regulus said.

"You know, I'm still surprised you're taking muggle studies. I mean, if your parents found out they would probably kill you."

"Probably. But I spoke to Slughorn and he'll send a separate owl with the results for that class."

"Smart, you might actually live to be 19."

He was about to say something when someone yelled.


Turning they saw Sirius black with James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew behind him.


By then they had made their way over.

"Ouch, aren't you happy to see me?"

"Hmm, lemme think. Oh yah, no."

"Ok, i'll admit, that stung a bit."

"What. do. You. want?"

"You. To go to Hogsmeade. with me."

He handed her a flower. It was a lily.

"No. and by the way, I hate lily's." she said, crumbling it.

"My offer still stands."

"I won't be taking you up on it." she said with a sarcastic smile.

The Marauders walked off and there was a short silence before.

"Oh my god."

The girls and Evan had started laughing.

"That was priceless."

"The look on his face!"

"Pure shock!"

"I wonder how much someone had to pay him to do that," Vana said, still laughing.

"Hey! Why do you think he had to be paid?"

"Come on, you know he didn't actually mean that. There are loads of girls who look better than you, he's probably gone out with half of them. He never means it when he asks girls out."

"So the only reason someone can ask me out is if they paid. All the other girls look better than me so no one wants to ask me out. Right, I'm going to go study." y/n said, getting up.

"Wait no, that's not what I meant. You- Y/n come on."

"Bye. I need to study for DADA OWLs." She said walking away.

!WARNING! The next few chapters might be short, they might not, idk. ALSO what do u think of sirius asking her out?

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