chapter 2

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"Y-you mean i-i'm a witch?" lily stuttered.


And she pulled out a letter then handed it to lily.

"This is your supply list and any information you may need to know."

They were all silent.

"Well I must be leaving, there is one more family I need to see." Then she left.

"Lily don't go." Petunia said, looking at lily.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You can't be serious!"

"Mum, can I go?"

"I guess. I'm going to start lunch."

Petunia stood up. Then turned to y/n.

"y/n come on i wanna talk to you. Let's go to my room."

"Oh, ok." She got up and went with petunia.

They sat on her bed and suddenly Petunia looked very excited.

"Ok so remember when mum said once i turned 13 i could go to a concert?"

"Yeah, you turn 13 next week."

"Yes, well I spoke to mum and talked her into letting me go a week early."


"Yeah and, she said I had to take you or Lily with me. I was going to take- i want to take you. Three of my friends will be there as well. Do you wanna come? They're front row tickets." y/n noticed her slip up. She wanted to take lily.

"What band?" she asked, trying to sound normal. She was hurt beyond measure. She was always a second choice, a backup.

"Queen. They just formed recently."

"Yeah, I'll go. When is it?"

"Tomorrow night. So I wanted to practise makeup tonight."

"Oh. wow. Ok what are we doing first?"


The next morning y/n sat in the tree again. She was sketching what she wanted her makeup to look like for later tonight.

She was looking over the drawing when Lily came out.

"Y/n! Could you come here?" she asked gently. She was definitely trying not to yell. You could see it in her face.

Suspicious of what lily could want, she was not yelling or telling her she was a freak which was a good reason to be suspicious if you ask her, she jumped down. "What?" she said skeptically.

"I- well-can you talk to Petunia for me? She won't speak to me. She- she keeps calling me a-a f-freak" lily asked stuttering through her words.


"Well i was hoping-"

"No! Why would I convince her to talk to you when all you've done my entire life is call me a freak and tell me how much you hated me? I wouldn't!" And with that she turned around and went inside.

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