XXXVI. Fifth Year: Confessions During Prefect Rounds

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October 15, 1976 (Friday)



Regulus wasn't sure how he had ended up in this predicament. Actually that was a lie, he did know.

He had been sitting the common room. It was empty and everyone was starting to head to their dorms for the night. Nora Lennox had entered the portrait and sat down next to him. They had started to talk and she was clearly hitting on him. There was so sense in denying the fact that Nora Lennox was beautiful. She had beautiful blue eyes and her short black, curly hair and makeup made her look older than she was. She was a year younger than him.

I mean why wouldn't he like her? Maybe he wasn't even gay and he was just confused. This crush on James was getting out of hand and he would appreciate if it would be over with already. His parents would certainly be so proud if he got a girlfriend. So, he let her kiss him.

He had never kissed a girl before and he was hoping he would actually enjoy it. Much to his disappointment, he didn't enjoy it. At all. He didn't feel anything and it was so different than kissing Hez. He had no clue where to put his hands as she straddled his hips. Her tongue was in his mouth and he really did not enjoy it at all. He felt like he was going to throw up and he really just wanted this to be over already.

Someone cleared their throat beside them. He pulled away from Nora to see Remus Lupin standing there. He silently thanked Remus for stopping them kissing before it went any further. "Regulus, we have prefect rounds together right now," the older boy reminded him.

Shit. How had he forgot? "Oh- um yeah of course. Well let's get going then," he replied awkwardly as Nora climbed off him.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

"So you and Lennox?" Remus asked as they roamed the corridors trying to catch students out of bed after curfew.

He was really hoping Remus wouldn't bring it up. "I- that's not... that's not a thing. We aren't dating. We can't be."

"Why because she is a half-blood and your parents wouldn't approve?"

He let out a breathless laugh. "No, it's not that. Trust me, I stopped letting my parents influence my dating choices a while ago. It's something else."

Remus nodded slowly and a brief silence settled between them. "Look, forgive me for asking this, but you are gay aren't you?"

Regulus blinked at him in surprise. How the fuck did Remus Lupin know he was gay? "I- look- I can explain. I-."

"Regulus, it's fine. I am too. You are okay. I won't tell anyone," Remus reassured him.

"You are gay too?" Regulus asked feeling all the fear inside him disappear all at once.

"A lot of us are actually. If you wanted to start telling people, you would be surprised at how many of us are queer. Like within our friend group or at least our old one."

"Like our old friend group from my 3rd year?"

"Yeah," Remus confirmed with a small smile. He was looking at him in a certain way and he felt like he was too exposed. He felt like Remus Lupin was inside his head right now figuring out all his deepest darkest secrets.

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