XXI. Third Year: Sirius Doesn't Come Home

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June 25, 1975 (Wednesday)



"Sacrifices must be made to continue our Pureblood line," James read aloud as he clutched the letter tight in his hands. "That's what they are fucking justifying it with!"

Sirius didn't really seem to be there in the moment and James didn't blame in. His parents had just fucking murdered his uncle and basically had admitted it  to Sirius through a letter without explicitly saying they did. "I know," Sirius croaked sadly.

James started to pace back and forth again. "This is so fucked up and they murdered him the day before Regulus's birthday too. This is fucking bullshit, Sirius!"

Sirius buried his face in his hands and his chest started to shake with sobs. "I don't know what to do, James. I- I can't go back there this summer, but I- I also can't just leave Regulus all alone. But I- I also can't tell him because like you said it's his fucking birthday today and you- you read what they said."

"We advise you to not inform your brother on this matter if you are smart," James quoted the very blatant threat in the letter. His anger was only increasing by the second.

"I- I can't put him in danger, James. I just can't. They aren't leaving me a fucking choice with this letter though. They know I will never come home this summer after reading what they have done. They- they know how close I was to Alphard as a kid."

James knew Sirius was right. It was the exact reason they had wrote him the letter. They wanted him to go the Potters. They wanted him to leave behind Regulus because they knew that as long as Sirius was in Regulus's life they would never be able to make Regulus their fucking puppet and make him do whatever they pleased. With Sirius in that house this summer, their plans for Regulus would never work. So they had told Sirius about Alphard. It made James so fucking mad. He hadn't been this mad in so long if not ever. And it hurt James too. It hurt him because he loved them both and they were both fucked in this situation. Sirius had to deal with the grief of their uncles death and Regulus had to deal with the abandonment of his brother.

And that wasn't even all either. The way they had ended the letter was even worse. You should take this is as an example of what happens to blood traitors. Who the fuck says that to their 15 year old son after they murdered his uncle?! Who threatens their son like that?! James knew they were fucked up and evil, but he hadn't even known how bad it truly was until now.

James stepped forward and he pulled Sirius into a hug. Sirius immediately buried his head in James's shoulder and James held him there as he sobbed. "I know Sirius, I know. We are gonna figure something out, okay?"

James knew that wasn't a promise he could keep because it simply just couldn't happen. Walburga and Orion Black had made sure of that. Regardless, he still said it because he had no clue what else he was supposed to tell Sirius.

James couldn't just stand by and let this happen to Regulus, not with how much he liked him. But what else could he do that wouldn't put Regulus in danger? Nothing. That was what he could do. Bloody nothing.

It dawned on him that he would lose his blossoming friendship with Regulus after this too. Any chance of being with Regulus would be gone because he would no doubt blame James. It was all too convenient on Walburga and Orion's part. He figured they had considered him in this too. They had played them like puppets right now.

Sirius was now forced to grieve his uncle alone and deal with the guilt of not being able to help his brother while their threats in the letter simultaneously replayed over and over in his head. Regulus had been betrayed by Sirius and James doubted he would ever be told about Alphard because he would be smart enough to know that's why Sirius betrayed him. And for James, his love for Regulus was now doomed to be unrequited. If there had been anything there at all this year, it would be gone by Sunday.


June 29, 1975 (Sunday)



Regulus scanned the crowd of people as his parents grabbed his hand and prepared to apparate them home. "Where is Sirius?"

"Your brother wrote to us the other day. He is staying at the Potters this summer," Walburga answered with no emotion in her tone. If anything her tone sounded pleased.

Regulus's mind flashed back to their conversation in the three broomsticks earlier that November and he felt the betrayal stab him in his heart. He fought any emotion threatening to show and he replied, "Okay. I suppose that's for the best, mother."

Sirius had promised him. They had promised they would both always go home together. He had fucking promised him and he had lied. Sirius still chose James over his own brother in the end and Regulus scolded himself for thinking that he wouldn't. He was foolish for thinking he could be one of them. He was foolish for thinking he could embrace the maroon.


Yay black brothers angst 😀

So 3rd year is technically over now, but there is still a summer chapter in between this and fourth year. Sorry for spamming your notifications again, but I'll probably upload the summer chapter today cause I have a lot of motivation rn.

Words:  948

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