LXVI. The War: The Opposing Team

235 13 3

September 20, 1978


As soon as Evan opened the door to his and Barty's flat, Barty tackled him into a kiss. Evan broke away after a moment.

"We are in the hallway, Bee. Careful," Evan told his boyfriend.

Barty pouted. "So what?"

Evan frowned. "You know I can't risk it."

"I hate hiding us, Ev. I don't give a shit what people say. Plus I would love to knock my father down a few pegs. I'm sure everyone would love his only son being queer."

"Bee, I can't- we've talked about this. My dad can't know. If I am a disgrace to the Rosier family than he will start controlling Dora again and I can't do that to her. Her and Xen are happy. I don't want her to suffer because I let news of my relationship with Barty Crouch Jr., the ministers son, get out to the public."

"Why should you care about her? She made you choose between me and her," Barty pointed out.

"They will hurt you, Bee," Evan pointed out desperately. "Actually scratch that. They won't hurt you they will kill you."

The sad reality seemed to finally click in Barty's brain. He rested their foreheads together as he pulled Evan into the flat and shut the door. "At least I get to have you right now. We can just be ourselves behind these walls."

Evan brought an awkward hand to the back of his head. "About that..."

Barty shook his head. "Please don't say what I think you are about to."

"The dark lord has assigned a mission for us and Zahara today," he finished.

Barty looked so sad and frustrated. "You've got to be kidding me! We never get moments alone anymore, Ev. It's just mission, mission, mission 24/7. It's not fair."

Evan pressed a soft kiss to Barty's lips. "I know but we don't have a choice, love."

"How much time do we have?"

"Around thirty minutes."

Barty smirked. "I can work with that," he muttered before he crashed their lips together.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

They apparated to the spot in the woods that they were supposed to meet Zahara in. She was already there waiting for them. "Took you two long enough," she stated.

"We are literally on time. It's not our fault you were early," Barty defended.

Zahara walked over to where Evan was standing. She inspected his neck. Evan mentally cursed Barty and thought of the multiple ways he could murder his boyfriend.

"That hickey was definitely not there an hour ago. I thought you said you were going back to yours and Barty's flat?" Zahara stated. Evan hesitated too long. Zahara clamped a hand over her mouth and her eyes widened with realization. "Holy fucking shit!"

"You can't tell anyone, Zahara. No one knows besides Pandora. No one else can know okay?" Evan quickly rushed out.

Zahara gave him a small smile. "Relax, my lips are sealed. I don't really give a shit if you two are gay. It doesn't affect me so why should I have a problem with it?"

"So you don't like Ev then?" Barty asked. Evan found it adorable how jealous Barty always got when Zahara talked to him.

Zahara shook her head. "Maybe as a fourteen year old but I'm way over that now. Don't worry, Bartimus. I have no intentions on making moves on your boyfriend."

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