XXXI. Fourth Year: So His Brother Definitely Messed Up

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April 16, 1976 (Friday)



Hez bumped their knees together under the Gryffindor table before he proceeded to rest his hand on Regulus's thigh. Regulus raised an eyebrow at him. "Careful, you shouldn't do that in here. Someone could see you," he told him quietly because their friends were eavesdroppers.

Hez leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Relax, love. No one is going to be looking at your thigh under the table."

Aidan fake gagged next to him, "Can you guys please stop flirting right in front of my breakfast." 

Hez raised an eyebrow at him, "I don't think you want to get us started on flirting in front of food."

"Yeah I think I vaguely remember you heavily flirting and occasionally kissing Tanya last week at dinner," Kian chimed in.

Aidan shot them offended looks. "You are all dicks! Why am I friends with you lot?! I can't even flirt with a girl anymore without being bullied for it!"

"It's sucks to suck, Barron," Regulus stated deciding to finally join the conversation.

"I don't think you want to get started on sucking-." Aidan started.

Hezekiah coughed awkwardly next to him. Regulus felt himself turn bright red. He quickly reached over and put a hand over Aidan's mouth to shut him up. "Will you shut up before someone hears you!"

"What I'm not wrong!"

"Actually you are wrong," he quickly corrected.

"If I'm wrong then why do you care you much?" Aidan asked looking at him skeptically.

"Because you talk obnoxiously loud and I don't want the whole Gryffindor table knowing I'm gay," he whispered shooting Aidan a glare.

Before Aidan could respond all their attentions were drawn to Remus Lupin sitting down in the empty spot next to Kian who was sitting across from the three of them.

"What are you um- what are you doing here?" Regulus asked awkwardly. He didn't have a problem with Remus Lupin, he was just very confused right now.

"I don't want to talk about it. Can I just sit here?" The sandy haired boy asked.

Regulus nodded. "Why aren't you sitting with your friends?"

Before Remus could say anything, a voice from about halfway down the table yelled something. Regulus quickly recognized the voice. James Potter.

"Oh, fuck you Sirius! Don't act like you are the victim here! I- I can't even look at you right now! You can eat breakfast all by yourself!" James yelled at Sirius. Everyone in the great hall was now staring at the pair of them. James just stormed out of the great hall.

Regulus just sat there in shock. Since when did James publicly call Sirius out for his shit?

His brother had clearly fucked up.

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James wandered the halls later that night. He was avoiding going back to the dorm like his life depended on it. He just couldn't even look Sirius in the eye. He couldn't believe he had did that to Remus. He couldn't believe he told Snape how to get past the womping willow. Even after him and Remus kissed Sirius still did that. James just couldn't believe it.

He collided with someone as he rounded the corner. He felt glad, but also nervous when he realized who it was. Regulus. "Shit, sorry!" He quickly apologized to the younger boy.

"It's fine," Regulus muttered begrudgingly. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either. Today's just been... weird."

"Yeah, I saw Remus went and sat with you," James added awkwardly.

Regulus nodded stiffly and an awkward tension settled between them. They hadn't even looked at each other or talked to each other since Christmas. "Well I guess I'll get going you know. I'm sure you really don't want to be around me of all people right now after you know..."

"Christmas," Regulus finished for him and he nodded. James started to walk away, but he stopped when Regulus spoke again. "What you did in the great hall was pretty cool this morning by the way. I can tell he really hurt Remus. Sirius deserved the public humiliation."

"Yeah, I'm pissed off at him."

"Well he must have fucked up pretty bad if you are mad at him?"

James raised an eyebrow at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, you guys are just... brothers. You are never mad at each other."

James frowned. "I'm sorry about Christmas really. You both didn't deserve what happened."

Regulus just gave him a small little nod. "Well I have to go, Hez is waiting for me. Bye, Potter."

Of course, Hezekiah Fawley. He really didn't have anything against Hez, but he also couldn't help his jealousy. "Alright yeah of course, bye."

With that Regulus turned on his heal and walked away leaving James standing there alone. That was awkward.


Two more chapters left in fourth year!

Words: 807

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