LXXIII. The War: Helga Hufflepuffs Cup

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February 13, 1979



As they apparated onto the front lawn of the Diggory house, James was more than happy to be staying somewhere other than a tent in the middle of the woods.

"You and Calista had a kid didn't you?" Pandora asked Amos as they walked to the front door. "I remember Xen saying she was pregnant."

Amos smiled at her. "Yes, we did. We have a baby boy named Cedric."

"How old is he?" Remus asked.

"He just turned four months."

Calista greeted and gave them all hugs at the door. "Ceddy is in living room if you want to play with him."

When they reached the living room, James squatted down next to the baby on the ground. Regulus followed him and did the same. James thought Cedric was the cutest baby he had ever saw. He had big hazel eyes and light brown hair like his dad did but he had Calista's face.

Regulus picked Cedric up and placed him on his lap. He tickled Cedric in the side and Cedric giggled.

Regulus beamed at him and he felt himself smile too. "Look how cute he is, Jamie."

James felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Seeing Regulus play with and get excited over babies was really attractive.

He laid down on his side next to Regulus, propping himself up on his elbow. He started to play with Cedric who giggled at him too. James had never seen such a happy baby before.

Cedric bit Regulus's finger and Regulus let out a laugh. "He's teething," Amos explained. "He likes to do that a lot."

"Are you two planning on having kids?" Calista asked them sweetly as she sat down next to him.

"Someday," Regulus answered and James didn't try to hide his smile. "After the war is over and everything calms down. Andromeda said it's possible by some ancient way."

"Oh, a cauldron baby. I have heard of that way before. No pregnancy involved, it's quite interesting. I've always wondered why it stopped being the way we had children. Pregnancy is terrible and it used to be a great way for infertile women to have children," Calista told them.

The look Regulus gave him made him laugh. "Cauldron baby?! You did not tell me our kid was going to be born in a fucking cauldron."

"You didn't ask for details," James defended. "It's also more complicated than that. It's just what the babies are called."

Regulus just shook his head in disbelief before he went back to playing with baby Cedric.


February 26, 1979



Evan didn't know what the hell he was doing until he was doing it: rebelling against the dark lord.

He knew the wands of the prisoners were being hid in his fathers study. And before he knew it, he was inside his father's study while his father waited for him outside the house.

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