XLII. Fifth Year: Holding Hands In Places Regulus Shouldn't Be Holding Hands

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February 10, 1977 (Thursday)



James was sitting on the bed in the Room Of Requirement. Regulus was sitting in between his legs. Their hands were connected and Regulus was twirling around the ring on James's finger. It was his father's old ring. He usually wore it on a chain around his neck because he wasn't a huge fan of rings, but he knew Regulus liked to twirl around rings so he had started wearing it on his finger again.

He placed a kiss against Regulus's neck and the smaller boy smiled. "So, what have you been learning in those muggle books of yours?" He asked curiously as he rested his chin against Regulus's shoulder.

"I've learned that muggles actually have their own form of divination," Regulus answered.

He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist, pulling them even closer together. "Really?"

"Yeah. Some believe that you can actually predict someone's future by reading the lines on the palm of your hand," Regulus explained.

"How the hell do you do that?"

"Here give me your hand. I'll show you." James offered Regulus his hands and the younger boy inspected the palm of his hand, running his fingers over the lines on his palm. "It doesn't appears you will die sometime soon."

He let out a little laugh. "And you can tell that by looking at the lines on my palm?"

"Hypothetically, yes. Look, I'm just showing you what the muggles believe."

"What else can you tell?"

Regulus ran his thumb over the largest line on his hand. "Right here I can tell what your true love will look like."

That intrigued James. "And what will he look like?"

A playful smile appeared on Regulus's face. "Well, he'll have black hair, freckles, and grey eyes. He will also be slightly shorter than you. Anyone coming to mind?"

James titled his boyfriends chin up. "Yeah, I think I know who you are talking about," he replied before connecting their lips into a kiss. Regulus grinned against the kiss. "I can't kiss you if you are smiling, love."

"Then stop making me smile, you prick," Regulus muttered before he connected their lips together into another kiss. It was short and sweet, but it still made James feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "So are you excited for the dance?"

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that."

Regulus gave him a skeptical look. "Okay?"

"I talked to Mary and I told her to just go with David to the dance."

"What?! Why? You realize we can't go together right?"

"I know, trust me. The Hufflepuffs are hosting this muggle movie night thing during the dance for all the single people. I talked to Ezra and Hez and they are going and they said we should come with. It could be our first date, Reggie."

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