LIV. Sixth Year: The Daily Prophet

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March 20, 1978 (Monday)



James walked down the corridor to the great hall excitedly. His birthday was in a week so naturally he was in a good mood. That good mood quickly vanished.

When he entered the great hall, he instantly knew something was wrong. Everyone was either staring at him or the daily prophet. His first thought was, his parents.

He quickly rushed to where his friends were sitting. Marlene and Peter looked angry, Sirius was staring down at the paper with an unreadable expression, Mary and Lily looked confused, and Remus was giving him a pitying look. "There was another attack wasn't there?"

Remus frowned at him and handed him the daily prophet. "I'm so sorry, James."

He felt like he was going to throw up when he read the article title. "James Potter, son of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, has been secretly dating the heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Regulus Black."

He couldn't read the rest. How did Rita Skeeter find out? They had been so careful. Someone near him pushed off the table bench and ran out of the great hall. It was Regulus.

"Go after him. I'll handle damage control here," Remus told him. He shot Remus a thankful look before running after Regulus.

Regulus had disappeared, but he couldn't have gone far. James entered the boys bathroom and sure enough, Regulus was standing there with his hands braced on the sink. His breathing was heavy.

James stepped over to him and put his hands on
Regulus's shoulders. "Hey, Reggie. Breathe with me, alright? In and out, In and out."

Regulus let out shaky breaths as he chocked on his tears, but James eventually succeeded in helping him get his breaths under control.

Regulus folded himself into James and James held onto him tightly. "They found out. How did they find out? We barely told anyone. Sirius didn't even know. Who told her?" Regulus sobbed.

"I wish I did, but I don't know, love."

"I'm so scared, Jamie. My parents- they know now too. The dark lord knows. Everyone knows."

He held Regulus tighter and started to run a soothing hand through the boys curls. He placed a kiss to the top of Regulus's head. "Shh, it's okay Reggie. I know. Trust me, I know and I hate it. I'm scared too. I'm so scared. This wasn't fair. This never should have happened. We didn't do anything wrong. We don't deserve this."

"I don't want them to hurt me. What if they- what if they kill me like they killed Alphard? I've embarrassed the family. They are going to hurt me," Regulus croaked sounding even more terrified and broken than before. "And shit- they already warned me once. They are going to hurt you now too. Or your parents- shit."

James pulled away and cupped Regulus's face in his hands. "Look at me, Reggie." Regulus's teary grey eyes met his gaze. "They aren't going to hurt you. I won't let them. I won't even give them the chance, Reggie. We can talk to Dumbledore and get aurors at my parent's house. We are going to fix this together. All of it. I'm not losing you and you aren't losing me."

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