VII. Second Year: Potions Partners

776 18 5

October 25, 1973



"Moonyyyyy, what did you get for question three?" Sirius asked leaning over in his chair to look at Remus's parchment. He quickly yanked it out of his view.

He rolled his eyes before speaking, "I don't know, answer it yourself."

"I tried! I don't understand it, Moony."

Remus gave him a condescending look. "Sirius you just got on that question less than a minute ago!"

Sirius rested his forehead on the table. "I know but it's hard! This class sucks," Sirius whined.

James leaned back in his chair. Him and Peter were sitting at the table in front of them. "The answer is B, Pads."

"Thanks, Prongs! You are the best," Sirius exclaimed excitedly as he circled the answer.

"Really, James? You know you can't help him on the exam. Stop giving him all the answers now," Remus scolded.

James just shrugged, "Look, I am going to use my excellent transfiguration skills and being top of the class to my friends advantages. Any you are stuck on, Moons?"

"No I think, I'm good," he replied dryly. Remus thought he was going to go insane if he had to hear James brag about being top of transfiguration one more time. He was worse than Snape and Lily in potions!




"Is it just me or is Potions so stupid," Hez asked him as they walked to Potions class.

"I think you just hate Slughorn, Hez."

Hezekiah shrugged. "Fair point. I don't think he likes me very much either."

"I don't think he likes any of us," Regulus pointed out before they pushed open the door to the potions classroom. The class was all standing in front of the classroom and the two boys joined them with confused looks on their faces.

"Today you will be getting new potions groups. It will be good for you all to make new friends and work with new people than who you worked with last year," Slughorn announced to the class. "Our first group will be Barron and Bozzelli."

Aidan and a red head, Hufflepuff boy sat down at the table in the front of the class. "Alright, next we have Fawley and Flint."

Hezekiah gave Regulus a is he being serious right now look. "Have fun with that one," he teased.

Hezekiah reluctantly went to sit down next to Killian who was already glaring at him. Slughorn continued to list off names until he landed on his group. "Black and Cresswell, you are our next group."

At least it's someone I know, he thought. He sat down at an empty table with his blonde roommate. "Could be worse, right? We could be with Carrow or Flint," Kian joked.

Regulus shook his head and let out a little laugh. "Don't even joke about that. The thought is genuinely terrifying. Especially for me, they hate my guts for being sorted into Gryffindor."

"Yeah, but at least you are a pureblood. I have one muggle parent and suddenly they want me dead," Kian pointed out.

Regulus shrugged, "I mean, you aren't wrong."

"Hezekiah really did not get very lucky though. Flint. I mean I heard about the Quidditch tryout drama and honestly, I'm praying for Flint. You and Hezekiah seem pretty close and if I was in Fawleys position... let's just say things wouldn't end well for Flint."

"He is too soft and kind to do anything," Regulus explained.

Kian just shrugged, "We will see about that."

Slughorn went on to explain their new project and the two boys got on to working on it.


This was just a short filler chapter. I know it sucks 😀

Words: 595

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