XXIX. Fourth Year: Will You Secretly Go To The Valentines Ball With Me?

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February 13, 1976 (Friday)



"So I'll take it you have a date to the Valentines Ball?" Kian asked Aidan as they all talked about the ball in their dorm room.

Aidan nodded eagerly. Regulus was very aware of Aidans numerous girlfriends this year. He had gained quite the fan club this year. "Course I do! I'm going with Tanya Hobbs. You jealous, Cresswell?"

Kian flipped him off. "Piss off. You wish I was jealous, Barron."

Aidan pretended to swoon over him, "Of course I do. I would be a fool not to fall at the feet of Kian Ansel Cresswell."

"Stop teasing me, you twat," Kian scolded as he chucked his pillow at Aidan.

"Do you have a date, Kian?" Hezekiah chimed in curiously.

Kian gave him a teasing smirk. "Why do you want to go with me too, Fawley?"

Regardless of it being a joke, Regulus still didn't like people flirting with his boyfriend. "In your dreams," Hezekiah answered him.

Kian let out a little laugh. "No, I don't have a date. How about you?"


"How about you, baby Black?" Aidan asked saying the last part teasingly.

They all turned to look at him. "Don't call me that and no I don't," he answered.

"I could always hook you up with a date, you know. I know some girls who would be more than willing."

He shook his head. "Thanks, but I really don't want a date. I'm not even sure if I'm going to go." He didn't really have any interest in going to the ball. I mean it wasn't like he could go with Hez.

"Oh you are going. I will drag you there if I have to," Aidan demanded.

Regulus rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Well I'm going to go help them set up now. You coming, Aidan?" Kian interjected.

Aidan quickly nodded and they left the dorm. Hez immediately got up and ran over to Regulus, tackling him into a kiss. He let out a little laugh of surprise against the kiss as he pulled Hez on top of him.

"Someone's eager today," he teased as Hezekiah pulled away from the kiss. This was basically how it had went for the last month of them dating. They would wait until their two roommates would leave and then they would just sit there making out or cuddling.

Hez rested his head on Regulus's chest. He started to run his hands through his boyfriend's hair. "Yeah well tomorrow's Valentine's Day. I'm feeling romantic."

"I don't get what the hype is. It's just an ordinary day."

Hez looked down at him like he was stupid. "Reg, it's Valentines Day."

"Your point being? It's still a random day technically."

"It's our first Valentine's Day. Come on, you can at least be a little excited."

Regulus beamed up at his boyfriend. "Of course I'm excited to spend it with you, love. I'm just saying I don't get the big fuss people make over it."

"I guess I can't exactly relate to that. I romanticize everything," Hez replied with a smile.

"I've noticed," he said before he pulled Hez into a slow kiss. Hezekiah smiled against it and he ran his hands through Regulus's hair like he always did when they kissed. He figured Hez would probably kill him if he chopped off all his curls and he couldn't run his hands through his hair anymore.

Hez was the one to break the kiss. "So I've been thinking lately," Hez started as he rested his head against his chest again.

"Yeah. About what?"

"Would you like to secretly go to the Valentines Ball with me?"

Regulus couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. "Of course I will, but does this mean I have to actually go to the ball?"

"Just accept it, love. You are going. Aidan and I will drag you there if we have to."

"Fine, but only because you asked me too," he said, caving into the idea. The things he did for Hezekiah Fawley.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

February 14, 1976 (Saturday)



"I wish I could be dancing with Regulus right now."

Peter let out a groan next to him on the bench they were sitting on. Sirius and Remus were elsewhere at the moment. James was too busy moping to figure out where. "For godrics sake, you really are insufferable. How did Marlene put up with you all last year?"

"Just go dance with your little girlfriend and let me mope in peace."

"Gladly," Peter muttered as he stood up and left.

"Wait, no! Come back I was joking, Pete!" He called after him. Peter just ignored him.

James couldn't help the jealousy that consumed him when he watched Hezekiah and Regulus sneak out of the great hall with each other moments later.

Regulus hadn't looked at him in months. James didn't even care if it was a glare, he just wanted Regulus to look at him.


I need a ship name for Hez and Reg. Fawblack? I don't know 💀

Words: 838

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