XXXVIII. Fifth Year: Howling At The Moon And Stuff

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December 20, 1976 (Monday)



Regulus was interrupted from his potions essay by something hitting his head. "What the fuck," he muttered to himself as he stared down at the paper bird that had landed on the library table. He opened it up and read the note.


Snapes a fucking bitch. I'm genuinely considering getting him some shampoo for his birthday as a "fuck you" gift except I've got no clue when his birthday even is.

- James


He let out a little laugh before he grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote a reply back.


What did the bastard do this time?

P.S. It's January 9th. Don't ask how I know.

- R.A.B


James's response came a couple minutes later.


He insulted Remus. You know I can't stand people being arses to my friends. If anyone ever says something to you let me know and I'll *totally not* hex them for you

P.S. What kind of shampoo should I get the slimy git?

- James


He smiled to himself. "Alright now, who is sending you lover letters?" Zahara asked as she leaned over in her chair to look at the note. He moved it out of her line of sight.

"No one is sending me lover letters, Zabini."

"Ooh! Let me guess who it is. How about your half-blood friend's little sister?"

He wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Ariana? Why the hell would it be her? She's eleven."

"Because I heard her talking about her massive crush on you in the common room last week. You do realize you have quite the fan club of first year girls, right? It's those Black family genes, you know."

He had completely forgot Kians sister had been sorted into Slytherin. "I told you, it's not a love letter. It's just from James."

"James? Since when are you on a first name bases with Potter?"

"I'm not, I just slipped up," he quickly answered. He really needed to be more careful around his Slytherin friends. "Can I please go back to my potions essay now?"

She gave him an unconvinced look. "Whatever you say Regulus, but for the record, you are a terrible liar."

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