XLVI. Summer: Three Purebloods And A Muggle Born Go To A Muggle Fair

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July 22, 1977 (Friday)



Regulus woke up by a pillow colliding with his face. He looked up to see Hezekiah standing over him. He had been staying at Hezekiah's this week so that's where he was at the moment. "Get up," Hez told him.

He rolled to face the other side so he wasn't looking at Hez. "Let me sleep longer."

"Reg, it's 12:00. You have slept in enough."

"I don't care. Go away."

"Do you want to see your boyfriend or not?"

That got his attention and he sat up. "What?"

"Ezra has planned some little trip for the four of us. We have to meet James at the park by his house in an hour," Hez explained.

That was enough to get Regulus out of bed. He quickly ate and got ready. They were both lacing up their shoes when Mirabelle came over to them. "Where are you two going?"

"Just going to walk around. I don't know going to do random shit," Hezekiah explained to his sister. "And before you ask, you aren't going."

She rolled her eyes before walking away.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

Regulus and Hezekiah arrived at the park 30 minutes later. The walk could have been worse, but it still left Regulus exhausted after.

James was sitting on a swing waiting for him. When he saw them he ran over and picked Regulus up, spinning him around. Regulus let out a laugh before pulling him into a kiss. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too, Reggie," James replied. "This last month has been torture without you."

"At least you weren't in Grimmuald Place. Do you even know what we are doing today?"

"When Ezra owled me, I didn't question it. It'll be a surprise I guess."

A couple minutes later Ezra pulled up to the park in his car. He parked it before getting out of the car and placing a quick kiss on Hez's lips, slipping an arm around his waist. "You purebloods ready to experience the muggle world?"

"What are we even doing, love? You failed to tell any of us your plans," Hezekiah asked.

"We are going to a muggle fair."

Regulus raised an eyebrow at him. "What the fuck is that?"

Ezra looked like those words genuinely hurt him. "Alright, ouch. That is actually depressing to hear someone say. Anyway, it's hard to explain so I guess you three will just have to find out when we get there. It's a couple hours away though so we will have to be in the car for a bit."

Regulus looked at him like he was crazy. "Car? You are insane if you think I'm getting in that thing."

Ezra rolled his eyes. "Black, you fly around on a broomstick for fun. I think you will be perfectly fine in a car that is moving on the ground."

"Still don't trust that thing."

James slipped an arm around him. "Relax, Reggie. Ezra has a point. Plus, this is a fun thing. We are experiencing the muggle world. Embrace the maroon in you."

Just when Regulus thought James's saying had disappeared, it was back again. "Fine."

Ezra clapped his hands together. "Alright! Hez you are sitting up front with me. You two loverbirds can sit in the back. There is blankets and sweets back there."

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