XXX. Fourth Year: Kian and Aidan Find Out Things They Weren't Supposed To

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March 17, 1976 (Wednesday)



James decided to visit Remus after classes were over. The full moon had been last night and he wanted to check up on his friend. After a great deal of convincing, Pomfrey let him into the infirmary.

"Hey, Moony. How are you?" He asked as he sat down next to Remus on the bed.

"As well as I possibly could be right now," Remus responded tiredly.

"I'm shocked Sirius didn't want to come with me to see you."

"Yeah well things have been... awkward between us lately," Remus explained.

James raised an eyebrow at him. "Have they now? Is there anything I should know about? You know, some exchange of saliva perhaps."

Remus smiled sheepishly. "Maybe..."

James beamed at him. "Told you he liked you back, mate."

"And how about you and Lily?"

James frowned at him. "Remus I- I was being serious last year when I said I don't like her."

"No, you were being Ja-." Remus started, but he cut himself off when he seemed to realize James wasn't joking. He looked at him like he was truly shocked and he figured that was fair. I mean he did used to publicly declare his love for her weekly. "Oh."

"I um- I'm sort of..." he trailed off nervously. "I'm gay."

Remus blinked at him in surprise. "That's um- that's shocking. But you know, it's okay of course. I mean I'm gay. Marlene is. I think Sirius is. You aren't alone."

James nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I suppose I'm really not, am I?"

Remus nudged him in the arm. "Is there any certain guy who's caught your eye lately?"

James looked down at his lap sheepishly, a helpless smile appearing on his face at the thought of Regulus. "Yeah."


"If I- if I tell you, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone. Especially Sirius. Only Marlene and Pete know and Pete only knows because he figured it out on his own."

"I promise," his sandy haired friend promised him.

"It's Regulus," he blurted out.

Remus blinked at him in surprise. "Oh that's- shit that really sucks. Your best friend's brother?"

James nodded. "Yeah, I know."




"I'm going to the library," Regulus announced to his friends.

"Yeah, I'm going to leave too. I've gotta go talk to Ezra about something," Hez lied.

Aidan rolled his eyes at them. "For fucks sake, we aren't stupid. We know you two are dating!"

Regulus blinked at them in surprise. "What how do you- we aren't-."

Kian let out a sigh. "We heard you two talking and kissing last night. You two clearly don't know how to cast a proper silencing charm."

Hez shot him an annoyed look and he blushed in embarrassment. How did he forget to cast one? "You two aren't mad?" He asked.

"Why would we be mad?" Kian asked them confused.

"I don't know because we are gay," he pointed out. "It's not exactly an accepted thing especially in the muggle world."

Aidan let out a little laugh and shook his head. "If you think I limit my options to only girls, then you are a fool."

They all looked him in surprise. This was certainly new news to them all. "Do you not?!" Hezekiah asked him.

"You know your little friend Ezra?" Aidan asked with a smirk.

"You've kissed Ezra?!"

Regulus wasn't really surprised by the Ezra part. Ezra being gay was no secret, but Aidan liking guys and girls did surprise him. "Uh huh. I have to admit he is quite the kisser."

Kian let out a laugh of disbelief. "This conversation has certainly took a turn."

"You think?" Regulus asked him with a raised eyebrow.


The secret is out, Aidan is a bi icon 😎

I've got another chapter written that I will probably post in another couple hours.

Words: 645

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